Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Providing PRISM Climate Surface Maps for Inventory and Monitoring Networks

Project ID: J8W07090026

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2009

Initial Funding: $19,500

Total Funding: $19,500

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Greater Yellowstone Network

Principal Investigator: Daly, Christopher

Agreement Technical Representative: Jean, Cathie

Abstract: Several National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring networks rely on PRISM digital climate surface maps as covariate data in the evaluation and interpretation of vital signs status and trend reporting and/or directly in the use of annual climate reports. PRISM stands for “Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model” and is a gridded climate dataset that uses climate point data from more than 6,000 individual weather stations, a digital elevation model, and other spatial data sets to generate gridded estimates of climate parameters across the lower 48 states. PRISM originally operated at 4 km resolution, and can now operate on a finer 800 m grid. NPS, as an end-user of PRISM data, has a need for the continuation of monthly updates and has been invited to participate in a group of end-users, the Surface Climate Mapping Consortium, to help guide short- and long-term use of surface climate data. The objectives of this project are three-fold: 1) to help develop a strategy and recommendations for meeting short- and long-term access to fine scale spatial climate data, 2) to provide guidance to the spatial mapping community to prioritize its research and development activities, and 3) to ensure timely access to monthly PRISM updates for use by the I&M networks.
