Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Quantification of Oregon Spotted Frog Population Dynamics in Response to Environmental Heterogeneity

Project ID: G20AC00432

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2020

Initial Funding: $66,000

Total Funding: $66,000

Principal Investigator: Duarte, Adam

Agreement Technical Representative: Adams, Michael

Abstract: The goal of this research is to provide high-quality demographic information for use by management agencies and other interested parties and to assess management actions. Specifically, this project has four objectives:
1. Quantify how seasonal survival of Oregon spotted frogs is relate to changes in water level.
2. Quantify Oregon spotted frog population growth rate following habitat restoration through direct habitat creation.
3. Quantify how survival of Oregon spotted frogs is related to habitat restoration through the introduction of beavers to improve habitat conditions.
4. Quantify the effects of bullfrog removal approaches on Oregon spotted frog survival.
Substantial involvement is anticipated through the terms of this Agreement between the USGS and the Recipient. A summary of the involvement is as follows: This work will be carried out in close cooperation with USGS. Monthly meetings will be used to enhance communication, share preliminary results, and adjust approaches as needed to assure completion. USGS will be providing data and input on frog natural history and behaviors that affect parameter estimation and modeling. CESU scientists analyze data and assist in publications.