Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Rehabilitation of Cedar Mesa Archaeological Collection

Project ID: HAF063N05

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Washington State University

Fiscal Year: 2006

Initial Funding: $25,000

Total Funding: $55,000

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Cultural

Principal Investigator: Collins, Mary

Agreement Technical Representative: Portillo, Garth

Abstract: Under the terms of this agreement, Washinton State University provides for the care of and access to the artifacts, samples, and records resulting from the Cedar Mesa Project currently at WSU. The agreement provides for the rehabilitation of the collections pursuan to 36CFR Part 79, including inventory, labeling, and cataloguing of the collections as funds are available for such work. (In 2009 BLM changed the project number to L08AC14101.)