Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Renewable Energy for Electricity Generation for Alcatraz Island

Project ID: J8W07070009

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2007

Initial Funding: $14,000

Total Funding: $14,000

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Principal Investigator: Malte, Phil

Agreement Technical Representative: Butterworth, Steve

Abstract: The National Park Service will enter into a coordinated and cooperative research effort with the University of Washington for the purpose of discovering: 1. the extent and cost of power consumption on Alcatraz, 2. the location of current power consumption, 3. current renewable energy technologies suitable for the study area and their cost,
4. current regulatory environment,
5. financial incentives applicable for this type of project,
6. how to apply for the financial incentives,
7. how to accept/receive the incentives to minimize the overall project costs,
8. how to structure future financial incentives for maximum benefit,
9. possibility of new approaches to providing the power needed at Alcatraz,
10. tradeoffs between the environmental impacts created by current power consumption vs. the creation of alternative renewable
energy sources,
11. identifying alternative sites for renewable energy facilities, and
12. identifying compliance issues and concerns related to sites and transmission.
