Seasonal predation patterns of wolves in single and multiple-ungulate systems
Project ID: CT 180000933
Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partner Institution: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Partner Institution: Oregon State University Fiscal Year: 2018
Initial Funding: $449,438
Total Funding: $449,438
Principal Investigator: Roffler, Gretchen Agreement Technical Representative: Levi, Taal
Abstract: Characterizing predation patterns by wolves (Canis lupus) is fundamentally important for understanding the population dynamics of both wolves and their prey. Results from this research will provide managers with a better understanding of how wolves use prey in Region I. Improved knowledge of wolf use of prey species in relation to their availability can provide insights into the functional responses of prey abundance to predation. Additionally, refined understanding of the effects of wolves on their prey will result from more information regarding prey selection in multiple-ungulate systems.