Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Student Experience Program in Cultural Resomce Management

Project ID: F18AC00032

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Washington State University

Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Funding: $24,675

Total Funding: $61,824

Abstract: Funds tmder this award are to be used to assist the Scrvic.c wih compliance on historic preservation legislation for Ha1t Mountain NWR and to provide experiential opportunities for America’s next generation of archaeologists and cultural resource managers. Specifically the present project is to identify, describe, analyze, and report on archaeological resources from Hatt Mountain NWR.

The Service WilL
• Provide recipient with access to data, fieldwork location, field camp use, and logistical support at
Hmt Mountain NWR.
• Help recipient design, implement, and repmt on cultural resource research and management activities for Hart Mountain NWR.
The Recipient Will:
• Provide FWS with student(s) trained in American m·cbaeological method, theory, and practice.
• Provide archival, field, and laboratory research, compilation, analysis and reporting of archaeological data derived from and for Ha11Mount in NWR.
• Provide supervision of student(s) and review and production of professional technical reports.