The RAB LAB represented in force the work of our research at INSAR 2021. Sadly, COVID-19 again disrupted this years in-meeting. We are excited to share the work of our team, please select the posters to learn more.
Autism Symptom Severity and Self-Injurious Behavior among Individuals with ASD-Associated Disruptive Mutations
Eva C. Kurtz-Nelson, Arianne S. Wallace, Evan E. Eichler, Raphael A. Bernier, & Rachel K. Earl and C. M. HudacDownload
Eva C. Kurtz-Nelson, Arianne S. Wallace, Evan E. Eichler, Raphael A. Bernier, & Rachel K. Earl and C. M. HudacDownload
Sex Differences in the ADOS-2 in ASD Verbal Youth
Hannah Rea, Sara Jane Webb, Megha Santhosh, Roald Ă˜ien , Katherine Riley, Kevin Pelphrey, Frederick ShicDownload
Hannah Rea, Sara Jane Webb, Megha Santhosh, Roald Ă˜ien , Katherine Riley, Kevin Pelphrey, Frederick ShicDownload
Quantitative 3D Analysis of Craniofacial Dysmorphia in DYRK1A Mutations
Conor M. Miles, Eva C. Kurtz-Nelson, Caitlin M. Hudac, Evan E. Eichler, Raphael A. Bernier, & Rachel K. EarlDownload
Conor M. Miles, Eva C. Kurtz-Nelson, Caitlin M. Hudac, Evan E. Eichler, Raphael A. Bernier, & Rachel K. EarlDownload
Characterizing the family experience of children with CHD8 using an innovative online platform. Poster session presented at the virtual meeting of the International Society for Autism Research.
Ahlers, K., Kurtz-Nelson, E., & Earl, R.
Examining Resting State Alpha Power and Social Motivation Among Carriers of CHD8 Mutations and CHD8-Target Genes. Poster session presented at the virtual meeting of the International Society for Autism Research.
Rutter, T.M., Rea, H., Eichler, E.E., Bernier, R.A., Webb, S.J., Earl, R.K, & Hudac, C.M.