Bernier, R. (2016, February). Complementary Alternative Treatments for ASD. Lecture for AUT 502. Department of Psychology. University of Washington.
Bernier, R. (2015, October). Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lecture for AUT 501. Department of Psychology. University of Washington.
Bernier, R. (2015, March). Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Schools. Lecture for WA State School Psychologists, Seattle, WA .
Bernier, R. (2014, April). Current Research in Autism. Lecture for Seattle Pacific University Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2013, September). Parsing the Genetics of Autism. Lecture for care providers, Seattle Children’s Autism Center, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2013, May). Genetic Heterogeneity of Autism. Lecture for CHDD/LEND trainees, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2013, July). Genetics of ASD. Lecture for Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy team. Lakeside Center for Autism, Issaquah, WA.
Bernier, R. (2012, May). Neurophysiology of ASD. Lecture for CARE clinic clinical team. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2012, May). Etiology and Neurophysiology of Autism. Lecture for EDSPE 522 Special Education. Department of Special Education. School of Education. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2012, March). Etiology of Autism. Lecture for CHDD/LEND trainees, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2011, June). Identifying the Causes of Autism: Current Genetic Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Lecture for Psychology Training Program. VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Tacoma, WA.
Bernier, R. (2011, April). Advances in Genetics of Autism. Lecture for CHDD/LEND trainees, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, June). Interventions in Autism. Lecture for PSY 572 Child Treatment. Department of Psychology. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, May). Current Thinking in Genetics of Autism. Lecture for CHDD/LEND trainees, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2009, October). Current Research in Autism. Lecture for University of Washington Psychology Honors Program, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2009, October). Current Research in Autism. Lecture for Seattle Pacific University Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2009, April). Genetics of Autism. Lecture for CHDD/LEND trainees, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2009, January). Current Research in Autism. Lecture for University of Washington Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. & Stamper, K. (2009, January). Autism 101. Lecture for REHAB 400: Medical Sciences. University of Washington Health Sciences Center, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2006, October). Mirror Neurons, Social Cognition, and Autism. Lecture at Lanterman Regional Disabilities Center, Pomona, CA.
Bernier, R. (2006, May). Interventions in Autism. Lecture for PSY 572 Child Treatment. Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2005, October). Current Research in Autism. Lecture for Seattle Pacific University Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2005, October). Autism 101: An Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Lecture for PSYCH 499: Research Training, University of Washington, Psychology Department, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2004, November). Current Research in Autism. Lecture for Seattle Pacific University Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2004, October). Early Recognition of Autism. Lecture for PSY 101, North Seattle Community College, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. & Toth, K. (2003, October). Autism. Online Lecture and Question and Answer session for North Georgia College and State University.
Bernier, R., & Laursen, K. (2003, February). Autism 101: An Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Lecture for REHAB 400: Medical Sciences, University of Washington Health Sciences Center, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2003, February). Intelligence Testing. Lecture for PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Community Lectures
Bernier, R. & Mancini, J. (2016, January). State of Autism 2016. Autism 200. Presentation at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2015, July). Clinical findings with 1q21.1 deletion and duplication. Presentation the Simons VIP Annual Meeting, Falls Church, VA.
Bernier, R. & Mancini, J. (2015, January). State of Autism 2015. Autism 200. Presentation at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2014, November). What causes Autism? Science Cafe. Pacific Science Center, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2014, September). Autism: Science, Strategies and Resources. Brightmont Academy, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2014, July). Clinical findings with 16p11.2 deletion and duplication. Presentation the Simons VIP Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Bernier, R. (2014, July). What causes autism, how do we find out, and why should we care? Presentation at Lakeside Center for Autism, Issaquah, WA.
Bernier, R. (2014, April). What science tells us about the causes of autism. Autism Spectrum Radio.
Bernier, R. (2013, October). Autism 101: Introduction to Autism. Presentation for Open Doors for Multicultural Families. Kent, WA.
Bernier, R. (2013, October). The Changing Landscape of Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presentation at 30th Annual Pacific Northwest Institute on Special Education and the Law, Yakima, WA.
Bernier, R. (2013, October). The Science of Autism Intervention. Presentation at Washington State Speech, Language and Hearing Association 2013 annual conference, Everett, WA.
Bernier, R. & Hanson, E. (2013, July). What we’ve learned about behavior with 16p11.2 deletion and duplication. Presentation the Simons VIP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Bernier, R. (2012, December). What causes autism? Science Cafe. Pacific Science Center, Tacoma, WA.
Bernier, R. (2012, October). State of the science of Autism Spectrum Disorders: What we know about etiology, neuroscience, diagnosis and intervention. Presentation at Washington State Speech, Language and Hearing Association 2012 annual conference, Tacoma, WA.
Hanson, E. & Bernier, R. (2012, July). Behavior Interventions for Children. Presentation the Simons VIP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Bernier, R. (2012, July). Intervention Approaches in Autism. Presentation for SSC@IAN. Web-based presentation.
Bernier, R. (2012, April). What’s new in Autism Research. Presentation for Autism Awareness Month. UW Autism Center, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R & Hanson, E. (2011, March). Making the most of your clinical evaluation. Presentation for the Simons – VIP connect project. Web-based presentation.
Bernier, R. & Reilly, P. (2011, January). Autism 201: Advances in Autism in 2011. Presentation at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, November). Autism from a genetics perspective. Presented at the National Alliance for the Dually Diagnosed. Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, June). Autism, social cognition, and the brain. Science Cafe. Pacific Science Center, Kirkland, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, January). Autism 204: How to be an educated consumer of research in the world of autism. Presentation at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2009, November). Current research in genetics, neuroscience and intervention in autism. Presentation at Talk About Curing Autism meeting, Tacoma, WA.
Bernier, R. (2009, July). Strategies for working with individuals with Fragile X syndrome. Presentation at UW Autism Center, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. & Burner, K. (2009, January). Autism 101: Introduction to Autism. Presentation at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R (2008, June). Simplex, Multiplex and Extended family studies of autism. Presentation at UW Autism Center Community Genetics Conference, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2008, May). Current research in genetics, neuroscience and intervention in autism. Presentation at Talk About Curing Autism meeting, Tacoma, WA.
Bernier, R. (2008, May). Current research in genetics, neuroscience and intervention in autism. Presentation at South Snohomish Parent Support Group, Lynnwood, WA.
Bernier, R. (2008, May). Current research in genetics, neuroscience and intervention in autism. Presentation at Kent Parent Support Group, Lynnwood, WA.
Varley, J. & Bernier, R. (2008, April). Exploring the outdoors with children with autism. Presentation for Outdoors for All staff, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2008, March). Current research in genetics, neuroscience and intervention in autism. Presentation at Developmental Pediatrics Northwest Conference, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2005, September). Developing a Social Skills Program for Children with Autism. Presentation at Massachusetts Speech, Language and Hearing Association 2005 annual conference, Worcester, MA.
Bernier, R. (2005, August). Social Skills Training in Autism. Presentation at the University of Washington Summer Intensive Autism Program, Seattle, WA.
Smith, M., Bernier, R., Faja, S. (2005, April). Current findings in autism research. Presentation at Seattle Pacific University Autism Forum, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. & Sterling, L. (2005, March). Current Trends in Autism. Lecture for Public Health Nursing, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. & Toth, K. (2004, October). Early Detection Studies of Autism. Presented at Children’s Health Institute, Seattle.
Bernier, R. (2004, August). Early Recognition of Autism. Presented at the University of Washington Summer Intensive Autism Program, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R & Olson, M. (2003, September). Current Research in Autism and the Applications to Speech Language Pathology. Full day presentation at Massachusetts Speech, Language and Hearing Association 2003 annual conference, Worcester, MA.
Bernier, R., & Faja, S. The Science of Autism. (2003, May). Lecture at Stanwood School, Stanwood, WA.
Bernier, R., & Greenson, J. (2003, April). Autism Research: The Genetics of Autism. Presented at the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, Orlando, FL
Bernier, R. (2002, October). Autism 101: An Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presented at Banchero Friends Services Mental Health Provider Agency, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2002, October). Current Brain Research in Autism and the Implications for Early Intervention. Paper Presented at the Brains and Games: Applying Current Brain Research to Effective School Social Work Practice conference, Vancouver, WA.
Bernier, R., & Greenson, J. (2002, October). Genes, Brain, and Behavior: Current Autism Research. Presented at Seattle Asperger’s Syndrome Meeting.
Bernier, R. (2003, September). Current Brain Research in Autism. Presented at the Autism 2002: Leading Edge Conference. Richmond, BC, Canada.
Bernier, R. (2002, March). The Science of Autism. Lecture at Stanwood School, Stanwood, WA.
Bernier, R., & Folstein, S. E. (1999, May). Autism: Current Trends in Genetic Research. Paper Presented at Massachusetts Speech, Language and Hearing Association 1999 annual conference, Worcester, MA.
Bernier, R., & Folstein, S. E. (1999, April). Autism: Current Trends in Genetic Research. Presented at the Friends of Ladders Meeting, Boston, MA
Invited Presentations
Bernier, R. (2015, October). Not all autisms are alike: Linking clinical approaches to biologically based subtypes. Contemporary Forums: Autism & Developmental Disabilities: Interventions for the Young Child. Anaheim, California
Bernier, R. (2015, October). How behavioral practices impact neurological function in ASD: Implications for treatment. Contemporary Forums: Autism & Developmental Disabilities: Interventions for the Young Child. Anaheim, California
Bernier, R. (2015, September). Autism Spectrum Disorder: Genetics, Brain & Behavior. Keynote, Missouri Thompson Center Annual Autism Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Bernier, R. Webb, S. (2015, June). Neurophysiological Genetics: From Twins to Genetically Defined Subtypes. Grand Rounds, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR.
Bernier, R. (2015, March). Parsing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders. Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.
Bernier, R. (2015, March). Genes, Brain and Behavior: causes and correlates of ASD. 7th Annual Autism Symposium, Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Jacksonville, FL.
Bernier, R. (2015, March). Parsing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders. 7th Annual Autism Symposium, Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Jacksonville, FL.
Bernier, R. (2014, October). Parsing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders. Autism Spectrum Therapies, Los Angeles, CA.
Bernier, R. (2014, October). Parsing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders. Thompson Center for Autism, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Bernier, R. (2014, October). Parsing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders. Center on Integrated Brain Research, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2014, September). Parsing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders. Autism and Developmental Medicine Institute, Geisinger Health Systems, Lewisburg, PA.
Bernier, R. (2014, June). Disruptive CHD8 mutations define a subtype of autism early in development. SFARI Workshop on 16p11.2 CNVs. New York City, NY.
Bernier, R. (2014, March). EEG indices of biological motion processing in individuals with 16p11.2 CNV. New Horizons in Human Brain Imaging. Turtle Bay, Hawaii.
Bernier, R. (2013, May). Parsing the heterogeneity of ASD. Grand Rounds. Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington.
Bernier, R. (2013, February). From genes to behavior: What causes autism? Initiative for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2013, January). Interventions in Autism. Pacific Northwest Neuropsychological Society. Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2012, September). Autism for Practitioners. UW Primary Care Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Stone, W. & Bernier, R. (2012, August). Autism: Research and Practice Updates. Madigan Health Care System, Madigan Army Hospital, Fort Lewis, WA.
Bernier, R. (2011, December). Advances in Genetics of Autism. Department of Psychology. State University of New York – Stony Brook.
Bernier, R. (2011, May). Autism, Social Cognition, and Mirror Neurons. Pacific Northwest Neuropsychological Society. Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2011, April). Advances in Genetics of Autism. Initiative for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2010, November). Autism, social cognition, and the brain. Autism Science: From Research to Clinic and Back Again. Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, May). Advances in the Genetics of Autism. NARSAD Healthy Minds Across America, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R. (2010, April). Broader Autism Phenotype. Autism Symposium. Center for Integrated Brain Research, Seattle, WA
Bernier, R. (2009, December). Genetics Research in Autism from the Phenotyper’s Perspective. Grand Rounds. Department of Child Psychiatry, Seattle Children’s.
Bernier, R. (2008, March). Mirror Neurons, Social Cognition, and Autism. Department of Psychology. University of Washington-Seattle.
Bernier, R. (2007, September). Mirror Neurons, Social Cognition, and Autism: What We Know and What We Don’t. Visiting Scholar Invited Lecture, Child Study Center, Yale University.
Bernier, R., Dawson, G., Murias, M., Webb, S., & Lunde, S. (2007, June). Correlates of Mirror Neuron Activity and Imitation. National Science Foundation Mirror Neuron System Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Murias, M., Bernier, R., & Dawson, G. (2007, June). Slower motor rhythms frequencies in adults with autism. National Science Foundation Mirror Neuron System Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Bernier, R. (2007, January). Autism, Social Cognition and the Brain. Department of Psychology. University of Illinois-Chicago.
Conference Presentations
Stessman, H., Xiong, B., Wang, T., Hoekzema, K., Vives, L., Janke, N., Lee, C., Coe, B., Bernier, R., Eichler, E. (October, 2015). The next wave of autism gene discovery by targeted sequencing of thousands of patients. American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, MD.
Krupp, D., Duffourd, Y., Evans, S., Bernier, R., Fombonne, E., Webb, S., Riviere, J., O’Roak, B. (October, 2015). Investigating Somatic Mosaicism in Simplex Autism Spectrum Disorder. American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, MD.
Aaronson, B., Barber, S., Bernier, R. (May, 2015). Gender differences in 16p11.2: More similarities than differences when utilizing genetically defined groups. Association for Psychological Science, New York City, NY.
Hudac, C., Kresse, A., DesChamps, T., Webb, S., & Bernier, R. (May, 2015). Biomarkers of Social Perception in Children with ASD and Loss of Function Gene Mutations. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Minjarez, M., DesChamps, T., Kresse, A., Gengoux, G., Hardan, A., Berquist, K., Webb, S., & Bernier, R. (May, 2015). Efficacy of Brief Pivotal Response Training on Language Outcomes and Neurophysiological Indices in Children with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Steinman, K., Askren, M., Ward, T., Elgin, J., Wenegrat, J., Earl, R., Bernier, R., & Grabowski, T. (May, 2015). Extending the Characterization of Semantics in ASD to Non-Verbal Domains. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Earl, R., Hudac, C., Ward, T., Gerdts, J., Eichler, E., & Bernier, R. (May, 2015). Sleep Problem Profiles of Individuals with ASD- Associated Mutations. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Kim, S., Lord, C., Green-Snyder, L., Bernier, R., Chung, W., Hanson, E., & Goin-Kochel, R., (May, 2015). The Language Phenotype of the 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): The Simons VIP Study. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Bernier, R., Stessman, H., Coe, B., Gerdts, J., O’Roak, B., & Eichler, E. (May, 2015). Disruptive CHD8 Mutations Define a Subtype of Autism Early in Development. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Neuhaus, E., Bernier, R., Webb., S., Faja, S., & Pelphrey, K. (May, 2015). Child Characteristics As Moderators of Parent-Clinician Agreement on Autism Symptoms. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Kang, V., Levesque, K., Anderson, A., Kresse, A., Faja, S., Neuhaus, E., Bernier, R., & Webb, S. (May, 2015). A Study of Siblings of Individuals with ASD: Comparison of Pragmatic Language Ability. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Krupp, D., Duffourd, Y., Evans, S., Bernier, R., Fombonne, E., Webb, S., Riviere, J. & O’Roak, B. (May, 2015). Somatic Mosaicism in Simplex Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Meeting for Autism Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Bernier, R. (November, 2014). Neural mirroring systems and autism spectrum disorders. International Society for Psychobiology, Washington D.C.
Goin-Kochel, R., Berry, L., Kanne, S., Dempsy, A., Hanson, E., Bernier, R., Wallace, A., Green-Snyder, L, Miller, F., D’Angelo, D., Chen, Q. & Chung, W. (October, 2014). ASD Symptoms in Children With 16p11.2 Deletions and Duplications. Society for the Study of Behavioral Phenotypes, New York, NY.
Aaronson, B., Kresse, A., DesChamps, T., & Bernier, R. (2014, May). Neural Profiles in 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication. Association for Psychological Science 26th annual convention, San Francisco, CA.
Raja, S., Kresse, A., Neuhaus, E., Sonners, C., Bernier, R. & Webb, S. Concordance in Inhibitory (May, 2014). Event Related Potentials Among Twins With and Without Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Kresse, A., Libsack, E., Ward, T., Ankenman, K., Neuhaus, E., Faja, S, Webb, S. & Bernier, R. (May, 2014). The Impact of Birth Order and Sibling Age on Language in Individuals with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Kang, V., Levesque, K., Anderson, A., Kresse, A. Faja, S., Neuhaus, E., Bernier, R. & Webb, S. (May, 2014). Heritability of Pragmatic Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study of Twins. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Earl, R., Elgin, J., Ward, T., Stevens, A., Gerdts, J. & Bernier, R. (May, 2014). Phenotypic Profile of Children with ASD with Gene Disruptions in the Beta-Catenin Pathway. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Steinman, K., Bernier, R., Goin-Kochel, R., Berry, L., Johnson, K., Kanne, S., Stevens, A., Snow, C., Ramocki, M., Spence, S. Proud, M., Kessler, M., Marco, E., Green-Snyder, L. Chung,
W., Sherr, E. & Hanson, E. (May, 2014). Movement Abnormalities in Children with 16p11.2 Deletion or Duplication and Their Association with ASD and Other Neurodevelopmental Challenges. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Levy, E., Mukerji, C., Naples, A., Bernier, R., Tillman, R., Reuman, S. Foss-Feig, J., Perszyk, D. & McPartland, J. (May, 2014). Empathy in ASD: Using ERPs to Identify Atypical Neural Responses to Physical and Social Pain. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Neuhaus, E., Webb, S., Bernier, R., Kresse, A. & Faja, S. (May, 2014). Concordance in Symptom Severity and Face Processing Among Twins with and without Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Bernier, R., Reilly, B., Hanson, E., Goin-Kochel, R., Green-Snyder,
L., Tjernagel, J., Gerdts, J., Stevens, A., Faucett, W., Sherr, E., Martin, C., Ledbetter, D., Spiro, J. & Chung, W. (May, 2014). Defining the Clinical Phenotype of Recurrent Copy Number Variation at Chromosome 1q21.1. International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.
Steinman, K., Bernier, R., Berry, L, Goin-Kochel, R., Johnson, K., Kanne, S., Snow, A., Wallace, A., Ramocki, M., Spence, S., Proud, M., Kessler, S., Marco, E., Sherr, E., Chung, W., Hanson, E., Simons VIP Consortium. (October, 2013). Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
Steinman, K., Ramocki, M., Spence, S., Proud, M., Kessler, S., Marco, E., Bernier, R., Hanson, E., Kochel, R., Simons VIP Consortium, Sherr, E. (May 2013). Neurological Abnormalities among 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication Carriers and Preliminary Data of Behavioral Disorder Associations. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
McPartland, J., Naples, A., Coffman, M., Kresse, A., Mukerji, C. & Bernier, R. (May, 2013). Individual differences in affective social perception in ASD: Neural, behavioral, and psychiatric contributions. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Moreno-De-Luca, A., Orr P.T., Myers, S.M., Challman, T.D., Evans, D.W., Goin-Kochel, R.P., Hanson, E., Bernier, R., Snyder, L.G. Spiro, J.E., Chung, W.K., Constantino, J.N., Ledbetter, D.H. (May, 2013). Analysis of cognitive performance, social functioning, and body mass index as quantitative rather than dichotomous traits in individuals with deletion 16p11.2. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Snow-Gallagher, A., Green-Snyder, L., Bernier, R., Kochel, R., Miller, F., Olson, J., Porche, K., Hanson, E., representing the SVIP consortium (May, 2013). Simons VIP: Expanding the characterization of the 16p11.2 duplication syndrome. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Hanson, E., Green-Snyder, L., Kochel, R., Miller, F., Olson, J., Porche, K., Snow-Gallagher, A., Bernier, R. representing the SVIP consortium. (May, 2013). Simons VIP: Expanding the characterization of 16p11.2 deletion syndrome. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Mukerji, C., Naples, A., Bernier, R., Tillman, R., Perszyk, D., & McPartland, J. (May, 2013). ERPs reveal atypical neural response during empathy for physical and social pain in ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Desai, A., Naples, A., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C., Tillman, R., Kresse, A., Bernier, R., & McPartland, J. (May , 2013). Relative Contribution of Autistic Traits Versus Alexithymic Traits in the Neural Processing of Social Information. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Orlich, F., Oti, R., Burner, K., Montague, R., Poole, R., Bernier, R., King, B., Lord, C., Kasari, C. (May, 2013). Observation of Peer Engagement in a Peer Mediated Intervention Model for Adolescents with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Burner, K., Orlich, F., Oti, R., Montague, R., Poole, R., Bernier, R., King, B., Lord, C., Kasari, C. (May, 2013). Observation, Parent, and Self Report of Social Engagement in Adolescents with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Balboa, Spain.
Faja, S., Bernier, R., Stamper, K., Estes, A., Dawson, G. (April 2013). Neurocognitive underpinnings of pretend play in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA.
Girirajan, S, Dennis, M., Baker, C., Malig, M., Coe, B., Campell, C., Mark, K., Vu, T., Alkan, C., Cheng, Z., Bernier, R., & Eichler, E. (November, 2012). Novel hotspots of recurrent copy number variation associated with autism spectrum disorder. American society for human genetics, San Francisco, CA.
O’Roak, B., Vives, L., Kumar, A., Stanaway, J., Egerston, J., Turner, E., Lee, C., Carvil, G., Phelps, I., O’Day, Dr., Fu, W., Hiatt, J., Marint, B., Krumm, N., Coe, B., Levy, R., Borenstein, E., Nickerson, D., Mefford, H., Doherty, D., Akey, J., Bernier, R., Eichler, E., & Shendure, J. (November, 2012). The discovery and validation of genes recurrently disrupted in autism spectrum disorders. American society for human genetics, San Francisco, CA.
Chapman, N., Ankenman, K., Bernier, R., Estes, A., Munson, J., Brkanac, Z., Raskind, W., Coon, H., & Wijsman, E. (November, 2012). Fine-mapping of a region of interest in an extended family with multiple cases of autism. American society for human genetics, San Francisco, CA.
Morena-de-luca, An., Myers, S., Challman, T., Evans, D., Goin-Kochel, R., Hanson, E., Bernier, R., Green Snyder, L., Spiro, J., Chung, W., Constantino, J., & Ledbetter, D. (November, 2012). Incomplete penetrance versus variables expressivity in del 16p11.2: analysis of cognitive performance and social functioning as quantitative rather than dichotomous traits. American society for human genetics, San Francisco, CA.
Steinman KJ, Ramocki MB, Spence SJ, Proud MB, Kessler SK, Marco EJ, Simons VIP Consortium, Sherr EH (October, 2012) Neurological Abnormalities among 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication Carriers. Child Neurology Society.
Steinman, K., Bernier, R., Goin-Kochel, R., Johnson, K., Kanne, S., Stevens, A., Snow, A., Ramocki, M., Spence, S., Proud, M., Kessler, K., Marco, E., Sherr, E., Hanson, E. & Simons VIP consortium. (October, 2013). Movement abnormalities and associated neurodevelopmental challenges in children with 16p11.2 deletion or duplication. Child Neurology Society, Austin, TX
Upshaw, M., Bernier, R. & Sommerville, J. (2012, June). Mu Rhythm Attenuation and its Relationship to the Effort of an Action: Evidence From 12 Month Old Infants. International Society on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN.
Green-Snyder, L., Kanne, S., Bernier, R., Burko, J., Cerban, B., Chung, W., Goin-Kochel, R., Laakman, A., Cavanagh, A. McNally, R., Miller, F., Olson, J., Snow, A., Spiro, J., Stevens, A., Tjernagel, J., Visyak, N., Wenegrat, J. & Hanson, E. (2012, May). Simons Variation in Individuals Project: Characterizing the Phenotype of 16p11.2 Duplication Syndrome. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bernier, R., Aaronson, B. & McPartland, J. (2012, May). Sources of Variable Functionality of the Execution/Observation Matching System in ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Gerdts, J., Bernier, R., Ankenman, K. & Dawson, G. (2012, May). The Broader Autism Phenotype in Simplex and Multiplex Families. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Mukerji, C., Bernier, R., Naples, A., Righi1, G., Perszyk, D., Coffman, M., & McPartland, J. (2012, May). Electrophysiological Indices of Empathic Response and Their Relation to Autistic Traits. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Oberman, L., McCleery, J., Hubbard, E., Bernier, R., Wiersema, J., Raymaekers, R. & Pineda, J. (2012, May). Developmental Changes in Mu Suppression to Observed and Executed Actions in Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Neuhaus, E., Beauchaine, T. & Bernier, R. (2012, May). Autonomic Responses to Social and Non-Social Reward Among Children with Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Moseley, G., Naples, A., Bernier, R., Mukerji, C., Coffman, M., Righi, G. & McPartland, J. (2012, May). Animacy and Intentionality in the Mirror Neuron System in the Broader Autism Phenotype. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Orlich, F., Montague, R., Bernier, R., Oti, R., Kasari, C., Lord, C. & King, B. (2012, May). Treatment As Usual and Peer Engagement in Teens with High Functioning Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Hanson, E., Goin-Kochel, R., Burko, J., Cerban, B., Chung, W., Kanne, S., Laakman, A., Cavanagh, A., McNally-Keehn, R., Miller, F., Olson, J., Snow, A., Green Snyder, L., Spiro, J., Stevens, A., Visyak, N., Tjernagel, J., Wenegrat, J. & Bernier, R. (2012, May). Simons Variation in Individuals Project: Characterizing the Phenotype of 16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Elgin, J., Ankenman, K., Vincent, L. & Bernier, R. (2012, May). Cognitive Profiles and ASD Symptomatology. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Massand, E., Aaronson, B., Lowy, R., Webb, S., Wijsman, E. & Bernier, R. (2012, May). EEG Mu Wave Attenuation in Broader Phenotype ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Kresse, A., Faja, S., Webb, S. & Bernier, R. (2012, May). The Endophenotype of Executive Function: A Pilot Study in Twins. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
McPartland, J., Coffman, M., Faja, S., Kresse, A., Mukerji, C., Naples, A. & Bernier, R. (2012, May). Level of Autistic Traits Modulates Activity in Face and Action Perception Systems. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Chung, W., Tjernagel, J., Faucett, A., Page, P., Lese-Martin, C., Ledbetter, D., Bernier, R., Goin-Kochel, R., Green Snyder, L., Sherr, E., Hanson, E., Spiro, J. & Simons VIP Investigators. (2012, March). Clinical characteristics of a 16p11.2 deletion cohort. Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
O’Roak, B., Karakoc, E., Vives, L., Girirajan, S., Stanaway, Kumar, Turner, Rieder, M., Nickerson, D., Bernier, R., Shendure, J. & Eichler, E. (2011, November). Exome and targeted sequencing in sporadic autism spectrum disorders identifies severe de novo mutations. American Society for Human Genetics, Montreal, CA.
Nguyen-Phuc, A., Shic, F., Bernier, R., Perszyk, D., Naples, A. & McPartland, J. (2011, May). Feature binding of social and non-social stimuli in children with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Sullivan, K., Gerdts, J. & Bernier, R. (2011, May). Gesture and Autism: Functional Relationships to Both Motor Skills and Autistic Symptomology. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Clow, M., Reilly, B. & Bernier, R. (2011, May). Frequencies of Myringotomy Procedures Among ASD Populations Compared to National Samples and the Role of Developmental Morphology (Low Set Ears). International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Reilly, B., Clow, M., Stevens, A., Wenegrat, J. & Bernier, R. (2011, May). Examining the Relationship Between Otitis Media Occurrence and Autism Severity Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders between the Ages of 7-9. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Gerdts, J., Munson, J., Wenegrat, J., Sullivan, K., & Bernier, R. (2011, May). An examination of head circumference in autism spectrum disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Ankenman, K., Webb, S., Lowy, R., Bernier, R. & Wijsman, E. (2011, May). Parent report of ASD symptom change in children from multiplex families. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Lowy, R., Venema, K., Ankenman, K., Gerdts, J., Bernier, R., Wijsman, E. & Webb,S. (2011, May). Electrophysiological Correlates of Face Processing In Simplex and Multiplex ASD Families. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Ward, T., Reilly, B., & Bernier, R. (2011, May). IQ, Age, and Internalizing Disorders In Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Mukerji, C., Bernier, R., Perszyk, D., Naples, A., Fogel, A., & McPartland, J. (2011, May). Neural Mechanisms of Empathy for Physical and Social Pain and Their Relation to Autistic Traits. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Aaronson, B., Murias, M., Sullivan, K. & Bernier, R. (2011, May). IQ Discrepancy Profiles and EEG Alpha Power In Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.
Lunde, S., Li, J., Sun, E., Lui, J. & Bernier, R. (2011, April). Imagination Enhances the Effect of Observation on the Mirror Neuron System. Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Chapman, N., Estes, A., Munson, J., Bernier, R., Webb, S., Rothstein, J., Schellenberg, G., Dawson, G., Wijsman, E. (2010, November). Genome-wide linkage analysis of flexibility/insistence-on-sameness in multiplex families with Autism spectrum disorders. American Society for Human Genetics, Washington, DC.
O’Roak, B., Vives, L., MacKenzie, A., Girirajan, S., Karakoc, E., Lee, C., Adey, A., Ng, S., Baker, C., King, B., Bernier, R., Shendure, J., & Eichler, E. (2010, November). Exome Sequencing in Cases of Sporadic Autism. American Society for Human Genetics, Washington, DC.
Lunde, S., Li, J., Bernier, R. (2010, November). Independent component analysis of eeg during observation of human biological motion reveals activations in or near mirror neuron system areas. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Thomson, A., Webb, S., Bernier, R. & Wijsman, E. (2010, November). Examination of Verbal Intelligence and Non-word Repetition in Autism Spectrum Disorders Family Members. Medical Student Research Training Program Poster Session, UW School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
Vincent, L. & Bernier, R. (2010, November). Verbal and nonverbal cognitive discrepancy profiles in autism spectrum disorders. Medical Student Research Training Program Poster Session, UW School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
Lunde, S., Bernier, R. (2010, August). Reduced Cortical Activations During Imitation of Hand Grasping in Autism. American Psychological Association. San Diego, CA.
Aaronson, B. & Bernier, R. (2010, May). The impact of familiarity on imitation of hand gestures and face expressions in autism spectrum disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
Koch, L., Aaronson, B., & Bernier, R (2010, May). Imitation Deficits in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mary Gates Fellowship Symposium, Seattle, WA.
Gerdts, J. & Bernier, R. (2010, May). Autism spectrum disorder phenotype profiles in probands from simplex versus multiplex families. International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
Stamper, K., Bernier, R., Gerdts, J. (2010, May). The relationship between gesture use and adaptive functioning and autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
Jones, E., Lowy, R., Bernier, R. (2010, May). The Influence of Communicative Cues on Short-Term Memory in Children with ASD: A Pilot Study. International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
Moretti, A., Aaronson, B. & Bernier, R. (2009, May). Imitation and Face Processing Deficits in Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mary Gates Fellowship Symposium, Seattle, WA.
Bernier, R., Varley, J., Venema, K., Stamper, K. & Webb, S. (2009, May). A Comparison of Asperger’s Disorder and High Functioning Autism: Are Diagnostic Boundaries Meaningful/Useful? International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
Aaronson, B. & Bernier, R. (2009, May). The Mirror Neuron System as Evidenced by Attenuation of EEG Mu Rhythm and Social Aptitude in Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
Varley, J., Bernier, R. & Munson, J. (2009, May). An Examination of the relationship between parent and child pragmatic language in ASD families using HLM. International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
Stamper, K., Bernier, R. (2009, May). The Influence of Functional Play on the Development of Executive Functioning Skills and Aberrant Behaviors with Autism? International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
Lord, C., Harvey, L, Petkova, E., Qiu, S., Tjernagel, J., Bernier, R., et al (2009, May). Representing Behavioral Phenotypic Heterogeneity within Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Questions and Answers from the Simons Simplex Collection. International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
O’Connor, M.J., Paley, B., Keil, V., Bernier, R. (2008, June). Hostile Attributions, Conduct Disorder, and the Impact of a Social Skills Intervention on Social Processing in Children with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol. Special Meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Study Group, FASTDATA. Washington D.C.
Bernier, R. Lunde, S. & Dawson, G. (2007, August). EEG Imaging of the Mirror Neuron System in Autism. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Bernier, R., Dawson, G., Murias, M., Quinn, A. & Webb, S. (2006, June). EEG Correlates of Mirror Neuron Activity and Imitation Impairments in autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Bernier, R., Webb, S., Shook, J., Paul, M. & Dawson, G. (2005, April). Electrophysiological measures of emotional facial expression processing in children with autism spectrum disorder. Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA.
Bernier, R., Panagiotidas, H., & Dawson, G. (2004, May). Fear Potentiated Startle in Individuals with Autism. Collaborative Projects for Excellence in Autism annual meeting, Washington DC
Webb, S., Bernier, R., Shook, J., Paul, M., & Dawson, G. (2004, May). Development of face sensitive N170 in children with autism. Collaborative Projects for Excellence in Autism annual meeting, Washington DC
Aylward, E., Bernier, R., Field, K., Grimme, A., Dawson. G. (2004, May). Normal Activation of Fusiform Gyrus in Adolescents and Adults with Autism During Viewing of Familiar Faces. International Meeting for Autism Research, Sacramento, CA
Faja, S., Aylward, E., Bernier, R., & Dawson, G. (2004, May). Face Processing in Autism: Is There Plasticity in Brain Activation? International Meeting for Autism Research, Sacramento, CA
Webb, S. J., Bernier, R., Shook, J., Paul, M. & Dawson, G. (2004, May). Face Processing in Children with Autism: Implications for Temporal Delay. International Meeting for Autism Research, Sacramento, CA
Bernier, R., Dawson, G., & Panagiotidas, H. (2004, May). Fear Potentiated Startle and Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Sacramento, CA
Bernier, R., Dawson, G., & Panagiotidas, H. (2003, November). Fear Potentiated Startle and Autism. Society for Autism Special Interest Group, American Association of Behavioral Therapy, Boston, MA.
Bernier, R. Fear Potentiated Startle and Autism. (2003, May). University of Washington Research Festival, Seattle, WA.
Webb, S., Bernier, R., Panagiotidas, H., Paul, M., & Dawson, G. (2003, April). Further evidence for an abnormality in the temporal processing of faces in autism. Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL
Webb, S., Dawson, G., Shook, J., & Bernier, R. (2002). Neural Correlates of Face and Object Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Typical Development. Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, San Francisco, CA.
Morahan, M., Bernier, R., Mejia, M., & Littlefield, M. (2001, April). Wrap Around Services for Traumatized Children: What Works. Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Sacramento, CA.
Bernier, R., & Folstein, S. E. (1999). Autism and Pigmentary Mosaicism. Molecular Psychiatry, 4, S63.