Nancy Worth – McMaster University – School of Geography and Earth Sciences
This project examines work and the impact of work on social life with a cohort of millennial women in Canada. The research aims to a) develop conceptual resources for how women in the millennial generation manage identity at this stage of the lifecourse, through close attention to the workplace; b) contrast current conceptual resources on millennials with how young women are reacting to austerity and the economic crisis, engaging with debates on precarity and flexibility; and c) examine the role of intergenerational transfer in mitigating risk for some gen y women. Methods include a national survey and in-depth interviews with Canadian women born in the ‘80s and a subset of their mothers. Data collection concluded at the end of 2014, and the results of the project are currently being shared at conferences and written up for journals and edited collections.
For more information: ; @nancymworth
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