

Long-term Follow-up of Families Facing the Future

Start Dates: 2004
PI(s): Richard F. Catalano
Co-PI(s): Kevin P. Haggerty
Funding: National Institute on Drug Abuse

Project Description

This project is a follow-up of the Families Facing the Future (FFF) program (previously called Focus on Families). Data on FFF participants are being collected and analyzed about 12 ½ years after the participants were enrolled in the project and about 10 years after they were last interviewed. FFF was a randomized clinical trial of a preventive intervention with parents in methadone treatment and their families. The goal of the intervention was to prevent parents’ relapse, help them cope with relapse if it occurred, and reduce the likelihood of substance abuse among their children. Obtaining follow-up data will make it possible to assess long-term program outcomes on targeted risk and protective factors and substance use.