Research Briefs and Issue Papers

Research Briefs and Issue Papers

Research Brief 36: Healthy Outcomes From Connecting, a Prevention Program for Caregivers and Youth in Foster Care

Research Brief 35: First Years Away From Home: Letting Go and Staying Connected

Research Brief 34: Communities That Care Reduces Rural Adolescent Handgun Carrying

Research Brief 33: Pathways to Young Adult Homelessness in Western Nations: Risk Factors in the Teen Years

Research Brief 32: Young Adult Use of Opioids and Other Substances

Research Brief 31: State of the Art in Substance Use Prevention and Early Intervention: Applications to Pediatric Primary Care Settings

Research Brief 30 – E-cigarettes: Motivation, Age, and Implications

Research Brief 29 – Using Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention Planning in Chile and Colombia (Nov. 2021)

Research Brief 28 – The Social Development Model: Healthy Development Across Generations (June 2021)

Research Brief 27 – Significant Benefits and Long-Term Impact of Community-Driven Prevention (May 2021)

Research Brief 26 – The Usual Suspects: Police Contacts with Youth and Adult Arrests (Nov. 2020)

Research Brief 25 – Childhood Preventive Intervention Across Generations (June 2020)

Research Brief 24 – Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth In Foster Care (Sept. 2019)

Research Brief 23 – The Social Development Strategy (May 2019)

Research Brief 22 – Lasting Benefits of Community Efforts to Prevent Youth Problems (Oct. 2018)

Research Brief 21 – Legal Marijuana and Public Health (July 2018)

Research Brief 20 – Impact of Parent Marijuana Use on Child Substance Use (Oct. 2017)

Research Brief 19 – Addressing Youth Marijuana Use: Time-varying Effects of Parents and Peers on Adolescent Marijuana Use. Person-environment Interactions Across Development (Sept. 2016)

Research Brief 18 – Monitoring Levels of Depression in a Community’s Youth: The Communities That Care Brief Depression Scale: Psychometric Properties and Criterion Validity (April 2016)

Research Brief 17 – Promoting Protection Community Wide: Effects of the Communities That Care Prevention System (June 2016)

Research Brief 16 – Washington State Recreational Marijuana Legalization: Parent and Adolescent Perceptions, Knowledge, and Discussions in a Sample of Low-Income Families (July 2015)

Research Brief 15 – Long-term Consequences of Adolescent Gang Membership for Adult Functioning (Feb. 2015)

Research Brief 14 – More Evidence That Prevention Works: Communities That Care Significantly Reduced Substance Use, Delinquency, and Violence Through Grade 12 (Feb. 2014)

Research Brief 13 – Improving Social and Emotional Functioning in Childhood Can Reduce Risky Sexual Behavior and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Dec. 2013)

Research Brief 12 – Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use and Abuse in Emerging Adulthood: Continuity and Change as Young Adults Enter New Social Contexts and Prepare for New Roles (Aug. 2013)

Research Brief 11 – Project Hope Blends Evidence-Based Family Interventions That Prevent Depression and Substance Use in High-Risk Adolescents (Feb. 2013)

Research Brief 10 – Achieving Better Adolescent Health Worldwide: Global Application of the Prevention Science Research Base (Oct. 2012)

Research Brief 9 – Communities That Care Returns $5.30 per Dollar Invested by Preventing Youth Tobacco Use and Delinquency (Jan. 2012)

Research Brief 8 – Outcomes From a School‐Randomized Controlled Trial of Steps to Respect®: A Bullying Prevention Program (Nov. 2011)

Research Brief 7 – Adult-Supervised Drinking with Young Teens May Lead to More Unsupervised Alcohol Use and Harmful Consequences (June 2011)

Research Brief 6 – Breaking Up and Changing Romantic Partners is Linked to Increased Risk for Substance Use in Young Adults (Jan. 2011)

Research Brief 5 – Family Management Matters: Adolescent Risk Taking and the Development of Adult Alcohol Use Disorders (Oct. 2010)

Research Brief 4 – Racial Disparities in Early Criminal Justice Involvement (Feb. 2010)

Research Brief 3 – A Test of Communities That Care: Community Coalitions Can Prevent Youth Substance Use and Delinquency (Sept. 2010)

Research Brief 2 – Effects of a Social Development Intervention Fifteen Years Later (July 2009)

Research Brief 1 – Can Communities Implement Prevention Programs with Fidelity to Program Design? (May 2009)

Issue Papers

Issue Paper 1 – The Use of Evidence-Based Policy for State and Local Decision Makers (Sept. 2011)

Issue Paper 2 – Unleashing the Power of Prevention (April 2016)

Issue Paper 3 – Primary Health Care: Potential Home for Family-Focused Preventive Interventions (Dec. 2017)