

SSDP – Gene-Environment Interplay in the Development of Addiction

Start Dates: 2009
PI(s): Karl G. Hill
Project Director: Jennifer Bailey
Funding: National Institute on Drug Abuse

Project Description

Tobacco and alcohol abuse and dependence are leading preventable causes of disease and death in the United States. Vulnerability to develop tobacco and alcohol dependence and comorbid problems is influenced by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. This two-year grant will allow the Seattle Social Development Project to proceed with collecting and analyzing genetic information on the SSDP sample, and begins a program study on how genes and environment work together in affecting the development of tobacco and alcohol addiction in adulthood. Co-investigators include Jennifer Bailey, David Hawkins and Richard Catalano (UW, SSW) and they are joined by collaborators Matt McQueen and John Hewitt at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics (UC Boulder).