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Welcome, Vi Le!

September 1, 2022

SDRG is pleased to welcome research scientist Vi Le, PhD, to our staff. Vi recently received her doctorate in epidemiology from the University of Washington, where she researched the influence of the social and physical context on substance use and downstream outcomes, such as injuries. She also assisted in the evaluation of various programs within the Washington State workers’ compensation system aimed at reducing the incidence and disability related to occupational injuries and illnesses.

Vi emigrated from Vietnam at age 6 and grew up with her family in Ohio. She received a BS in biology and an MS in public heath from Ohio State University. Afterwards, she worked at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, where she examined the effectiveness of medications and clinical care practice in neonatal care.

Vi will be working on the SSDP Intergenerational Study (a continuation of SDRG’s original Seattle Social Development Project) , the International Youth Development Study (IYDS), and a new study of marijuana use in Washington after legalization. In addition, she will be participating in some of SDRG’s efforts in advocacy and dissemination, which she sees as a way of giving back to the community. Vi is based in Seattle, where she lives with her partner on Capitol Hill. Welcome, Vi!