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Former SDRG Director Kevin Haggerty Featured in May 29 Webinar

May 21, 2024

On May 29, 2024, former SDRG Director Kevin Haggerty, PhD, will be the featured presenter for a webinar entitled Prevention Works! And a Call to Action. This 90-min Zoom webinar is part of CTC’s monthly speaker series and is open to all. In this session, Kevin will explore state and national data points from middle and high school youth to make the case for prevention and the implementation and expansion of tested, effective substance use prevention programs. The need extends to young adults age 18 to 25, as well as into areas where we have not previously seen prevention success.

Kevin Haggerty has spent more than 30 years at SDRG focusing on innovative ways to make the scientific knowledge base for prevention more accessible to parents, communities, and schools. A popular speaker, he continues to serve as Emeritus Professor for Prevention at the UW School of Social Work. His presentation is scheduled for 11 am-12:30 pm (PT)/12-1:30 pm MT/2-3:30 pm ET. To register, visit the link above. To see other opportunities for skill building and knowledge sharing, visit the Center for Communities That Care’s Training & Events page.