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SDRG founders J. David Hawkins and Richard F. Catalano rank in the 1000 most-cited psychologists

May 19, 2022, a prominent academic platform for scientists, has just published the 2022 Edition of the Ranking of the Top 1000 Scientists in the area of Psychology. The ranking is constructed using the h-index data gathered by Microsoft Academic and includes only prominent scientists with an h-index of at least 30 for scientific papers published in the field of Psychology. (The h-index measures the citation impact of an author’s publications based on the number of citations that they have received in other publications.)

Richard F. Catalano World rank: 259; National rank: 172

J. David Hawkins: World rank: 429; National rank: 285

Congratulations to Rico and David, professors emeritus, on their continued influence in prevention science!

You can see the full world ranking here: