To enroll in the Graduate Certificate in Second and Foreign Language Teaching, you must already be a graduate student here at UW.
UW graduate (MA and Ph.D.) programs related to languages, language teaching, or applied linguistics are located in the following colleges, schools, departments, and programs.
Click any links below that interest you to see if their programs might suit your needs and interests.
Asian Languages & Literature (Graduate degrees in East Asian and South Asian languages)
Education (
Masters in Teaching program for World Languages, leading to certification to teach in the public (K-12) schools. Graduate degrees in Education)
English (Graduate degrees in English, including an MA program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
French and Italian Studies (Graduate degrees in French)
Germanics (Graduate degrees in German)
International Studies (Graduate degrees in international studies)
Linguistics (Graduate degrees in linguistics)
Middle Eastern Languages & Civilization (Graduate degrees in Near Eastern languages)
Scandinavian Studies (Graduate degrees in Scandinavian languages)
Slavic Languages & Literatures (Graduate degrees in Slavic languages)
Spanish and Portuguese Studies (Graduate degrees in Spanish and Portuguese)