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Case #2 -
A 45 year old woman with a nipple discharge

1.) What are the important points in the history of a lady presenting with nipple discharge?  Answer 
2.) What is the differential diagnosis of milky bilateral spontaneous nipple discharge?  Answer 
3.) What is the significance of non-spontaneous nipple discharge?  Answer 
4.) What is the differential diagnosis of spontaneous unilateral single duct brown or bloody discharge?  Answer 
5.) How do you examine the patient who complains of nipple discharge?  Answer 
6.) What lab tests are indicated?  Answer 
7.) What other diagnostic tests should you do?  Answer 
8.) What is the management of bilateral spontaneous multiduct discharge?  Answer 
9.) What is the treatment for single duct discharge?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > BREAST DISEASE - Case # 2