If you are experiencing crisis now, please contact your care team, emergency services, or use these resources:
LGBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs: 212-714-1141
Caring for our bodies and minds is always important and at times in our lives, crucial to overall well-being. Knowing the trans community experiences harm, stigma, and discrimination often, seeing a mental health provider and getting that support can be life-saving, especially as mental health evaluation is required for gender affirming surgical care coverage. Gender affirming surgery is often eagerly anticipated, and mental health support can be helpful in navigating the surgical process and emotions that can accompany physical and social changes.
While ongoing mental health support can be incredibly beneficial to all individuals throughout the lifespan, you do not need to establish ongoing care with a mental health provider to obtain a mental health letter in support of gender affirming surgery. Many experienced providers can provide this letter within a few visits, but each provider and patient’s needs are unique. When seeking out providers for the purpose of having them write a gender affirming letter for surgery or identity documents, ask about their experience with writing thee letters and the typical number of visits needed.
If you are looking for a provider, the links below can get you started. If you already see a great provider, but they are less familiar with writing these letters, this presentation and mental health letter template may be helpful in getting them started.
Provider Databases
Ingersoll Gender Center – Healthcare Provider Database
The GLBT National Resource Database
GLMA – LGBTQ+ Provider Directory
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
Psychology Today Therapist Search
Pro Bono Counseling – Project Access Northwest (Services available to those in Washington State living at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level)
Buzzfeed: 20 Small Things to Do When Gender Dysphoria Gets You Down
imi – Guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help explore identity and support mental health
Planned Parenthood: How Do I Know If I’m Transgender?
Plume: 7 Tips to Help You Deal with Gender Dysphoria
Talkspace: How to Cope with Gender Dysphoria