Community-Centered Pilot AIDS Research Center (C-PARC) Award
The University of Washington Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH) invites pilot study applications that support its mission to catalyze research that integrates mental health and HIV prevention and care, guided by communities and practitioners seeking to end the epidemic. We envision an end to the HIV epidemic by addressing the determinants and symptoms of mental illness and HIV, through holistic person-centered prevention and care.
Click here for more information.
Methodology Pilot AIDS Research Center (MPARC) Award
The University of Washington Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH) invites pilot study applications focused on research methodologies to help understand and ameliorate the confluence of challenges created by mental health and substance use disorders with HIV risk and infection.
Click here for more information.
Synergistic Pilot AIDS Research Center (SPARC) Award
The University of Washington Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH) invites pilot study applications focused on integrated systems of mental health and HIV primary care that can be implemented at scale. Through this integration, programs can optimize HIV prevention, medication adherence, and engagement in treatment – critical for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) vision of “Getting to Zero” and the US “Ending the HIV Epidemic” priorities.