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Extension of Cognitive Processing Therapy to Project Ushindi in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo Debra Kaysen, PhD, ABPP
Judy Bass, PhD, MPH
Ivan Molton, PhD
Sarah Murray, PhD


This project increases psychosocial care for gender based violence survivors through expansion of access to Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for mental health care with the NGO IMAWorldHealth using mobile therapists.
IMA World Health (Interchurch Medical Assistance) is expanding upon a successful program of USAID work addressing gender and sexual based violence in the Eastern corridor of the Democratic Republic of Congo where sexual assault on women have reached staggering levels. The expanded project goals integrate an evidence-based treatment for trauma-exposed populations (CPT) with existing IMA programs to: (1) increase access to timely and quality comprehensive services for individuals affected by SGBV (psycho-social, medical, legal, and socio-economic assistance); 2) improve the quality of services and interventions for individuals and communities affected by SGBV; and 3) reduce the vulnerability of individuals to future acts of abuse and violence.

Project dates