UW Virology Newsletter

June, 2024

Parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV-3), Influenza A, and Rhinovirus remained the most frequently isolated respiratory viruses observed in June. PIV-3 is known to cause respiratory illnesses, particularly in young children, and can lead to severe conditions such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Influenza A, one of the primary strains of the flu virus, continues to pose significant health risks, especially during the flu season, leading to symptoms ranging from mild respiratory distress to severe complications requiring hospitalization. Rhinovirus, the predominant cause of the common cold, affects people of all ages, resulting in symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, and cough. The persistence of these viruses in June underscores the need for continued vigilance in respiratory virus monitoring, vaccination efforts, and public health interventions to mitigate their spread and impact on the community.

An average of approximately 130 SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests were conducted daily throughout the month of June with a positivity rate of 9.9%. Refer to www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov for the most recent updates.

Ordering information available here: https://depts.washington.edu/uwviro/.

View the UW Virology COVID-19 Dashboard for up to date testing numbers.

Follow the area’s epidemiological data each week on the UW Virology web site at https://depts.washington.edu/uwviro/respiratory-viral-epidemiology-data/.

Community detections: June, 2024

PCR Positives:

Adenovirus – 17
BK Virus – 208
CMV – 271
Coronavirus – 7 (NOT 2019-nCoV)
EBV – 59
Enterovirus – 1
HHV6 – 26
HHV8 – 3
HSV – 89
Influenza A – 29

Influenza B – 4
JC Virus – 1
Metapneumovirus – 17
Monkeypox – 43
Parainfluenza – 29
Parechovirus – 0
Parvo B19 – 8
Rhinovirus – 65
RSV – 0
VZV – 19