Who We Are

Keith Jerome, MD, PhD

Larry Corey Endowed Professor in Virology
, Virology Division, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Director, UW Virology Laboratory
Professor, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jerome Lab  |  Fred Hutch

Jianhong Cao, PhD

Affiliate Instructor, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Director and Senior Staff Scientist, Immune Monitoring Lab, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Robert Coombs, MD, PhD

Professor Emeritus, UW, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

Lawrence Corey, MD

Professor, UW Departments of Medicine and Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Past President and Director, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Professor, Clinical Research Division, Public Health Sciences Division, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator, HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)

Corey Lab  |  Hutch Faculty  |  UW Lab Medicine and Pathology  |  UW Allergy and Infectious Diseases
HVTN  |  Hutch Leadership/President and Director Emeritus

Stephen De Rosa, MD

Research Professor, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
External Joint Associate Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Flow Cytometry Laboratory Director, HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)
Director, Immunology Core, UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research
CFAR    |   Fred Hutch

Cynthia Derdeyn, PhD

Vice Chair of Research, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Professor, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

UW Lab Medicine and Pathology

Lisa Frenkel, MD

Professor, UW Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Division of Virology
Adjunct Professor, Department of Global Health

Co-Director, Center for Childhood Infections & Prematurity Research, Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Affiliate Investigator, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Affiliate, UW Department of Internal Medicine

Frenkel Lab | Pediatric Infectious Diseases | Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Alex Greninger, MD, MPhil, MS, PhD (ABP)

Larry Corey Endowed Professor in Virology
, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Affiliate, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Adjunct Professor, Department of Microbiology, UW School of Medicine

Greninger Lab| UW Lab Medicine and Pathology | Department of Microbiology

Christine Johnston, MD, MPH

Adjunct Associate Professor, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

UW Medicine | Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Tristan Jordan, PhD

Assistant Professor, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

Department of Microbiology

David Koelle, MD

Professor, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, UW Department of Medicine
Joint Professor, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Adjunct Professor, UW Department of Global Health
Affiliate, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Affiliate, Benaroya Research Institute

UW Allergy and Infectious Diseases | UW Global Health

Julie McElrath, MD, PhD

Professor, UW Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
Director, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Senior Vice President, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

McElrath Lab | Hutch Leadership | Hutch Researcher | Hutch Featured Researcher | HVTN
UW Allergy and Infectious Diseases | SCCA

Rhoda Morrow, PhD

Professor Emeritus, UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

Stephen Polyak, PhD

Research Professor, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Adjunct Research Professor, UW Departments of Global Health and Microbiology
Affiliate Investigator, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

UW Global Health | CIIID

Pavitra Roychoudhury, PhD

Director, COVID-19 Next Generation Sequencing
Acting Instructor,
UW Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

Research Associate, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

UW Lab Medicine and Pathology

Anna Wald, MD, MPH

Head, UW Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Professor, UW Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Departments of Medicine, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (joint), School of Medicine & Department of Epidemiology (joint), School of Public Health
Joint Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Director, UW Virology Research Clinic

Jia Zhu, PhD

Research Associate Professor, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Associate Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

UW Lab Medicine and Pathology