Join us on Zoom, intermittent Tuesdays at 4-5pm (see dates below) for the 2024-2025 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series. Zoom link:
2023 Graduate Student Symposium
The 2023 WACFWRU Annual Graduate Student Symposium was held October 18, 2022, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. The format was hybrid, with in-person speakers at University of Washington, and remote speakers joining via Zoom.
2023-2024 Fish and Wildlife Seminar
Join us on Zoom, intermittent Thursdays at 3-4pm (see dates) for the 2023-2024 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series. Zoom link:
2022 Annual Graduate Student Symposium
The 2022 WACFWRU Annual Graduate Student Symposium was held October 19, 2022, from 4 – 6:30 p.m. The format was hybrid, with in-person speakers at Washington State University in Pullman, and remote speakers joining via Zoom.
Fall/Winter 2022 Series
Join us on Zoom for the fall/winter 2022-2023 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series, at 3-4pm on the second Thursday of each month. Zoom link is here:
Schedule below.
Winter/Spring 2022 Series
Join us on Zoom at for the winter/spring 2022 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar, 3-4pm on the second Thursday of each month. See you there!
2021 Annual Graduate Student Symposium
We held our 2021 Annual Graduate Student Symposium on October 27 from 3-5:30pm.
Welcome Alex McInturff
The WACFWRU’s new Assistant Unit Leader, Alex McInturff, joined the Unit in June 2021. We’re thrilled to have Alex’s expertise. You can read more about Alex here.
2021 Spring – Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar
Join us on Zoom at for the 2021 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar, 4-5pm on Mondays. See you there!
2021 Winter – Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar
Join us on Zoom at for the 2021 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar, 4-5pm on Mondays. See you there!
Position Open: Assistant Unit Leader – Wildlife
The application period for an Assistant Unit Leader position at the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit will be open from 11/13/20 – 12/12/20. Please see details here. We seek a scholar with expertise in the human dimensions of wildlife management. The selected candidate will be hired by the US Geological Survey and will hold a position of either Assistant or Associate Professor without Tenure in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Questions may be directed to Unit Leader Sarah Converse at
Congratulations to student award winners!
The WACFWRU held our Annual Graduate Student Symposium on Wednesday 10/28. The winner of the 2020 Pauley Award for best student presentation in the Symposium was Amanda Warlick (PhD candidate, UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences). Also announced at the Symposium was the winner of the 2019-2020 John Pierce Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Abby Bratt (MS student, UW Quantitative Ecology and Resource Managment). Abby and Amanda are both members of the Quantitative Conservation Lab at UW.
2020 Annual Graduate Student Symposium
We held our Annual Student Symposium on Wednesday, October 28, from 3-6pm.
“Insights into Government Employment” webinar available on Youtube.
On July 22, WACFWRU Unit Leaders Sarah Converse and Mark Scheuerell held a webinar in collaboration with the University of Washington College of the Environment. The webinar provides an inside perspective on what its like to work in environmental science for the federal government. The webinar – targeted to graduate students and post-docs – also provides tips for getting a federal government job. Watch the webinar here.
Delayed but on its way: AUL advertisement
We are still expecting the advertisement for our new assistant unit leader position to be posted in the near future, but we don’t expect it to happen in August. We will announce it here as soon as the position is posted on You can also keep a look at for the position (we suggest searching for USGS positions in Washington State).
Pre-Notice: Assistant Unit Leader in Wildlife Human Dimensions
The Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Washington will soon invite applications for a Wildlife Human Dimensions Scientist. Please read more here.
Winter Quarter Schedule
2020 Winter – Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar
Please join us this quarter for a series of great seminars. Mondays at 4:00 – 5:00pm, Physics and Astronomy Tower C520.
Autumn 2019 Schedule
2019 Autumn – Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar
Please join us this quarter for a series of great seminars. Mondays at 4:00 – 5:00pm, Physics and Astronomy Tower C520.
2019 Annual Graduate Student Symposium
Join us for the Annual Student Symposium on Wednesday, October 23, from 4:00-6:00pm. The event will be held in Room 203, Fishery Sciences Building, University of Washington-Seattle. Come learn about all the great work in which Unit-funded graduate students are engaged.
Welcome Mark Scheuerell!
The Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is happy to announce the arrival of our new Assistant Unit Leader – Fisheries, Dr. Mark Scheuerell. Mark comes to us from the NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Welcome Mark!