Join us on Zoom, intermittent Tuesdays at 4-5pm (see dates below) for the 2024-2025 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series. Zoom link:

Washington Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series
The Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series is organized by the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. It is a place for agency professionals, students, and faculty from around Washington and beyond to learn about the latest fish and wildlife research and to exchange ideas. To receive notices about seminars, sign up HERE.
Join us on Zoom, intermittent Tuesdays at 4-5pm (see dates below) for the 2024-2025 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series. Zoom link:
Join us on Zoom, intermittent Thursdays at 3-4pm (see dates) for the 2023-2024 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series. Zoom link:
Join us on Zoom for the fall/winter 2022-2023 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar series, at 3-4pm on the second Thursday of each month. Zoom link is here:
Schedule below.
Join us on Zoom at for the winter/spring 2022 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar, 3-4pm on the second Thursday of each month. See you there!
Join us on Zoom at for the 2021 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar, 4-5pm on Mondays. See you there!
Join us on Zoom at for the 2021 Fish and Wildlife Ecology seminar, 4-5pm on Mondays. See you there!
Winter Quarter Schedule
Please join us this quarter for a series of great seminars. Mondays at 4:00 – 5:00pm, Physics and Astronomy Tower C520.
Autumn 2019 Schedule
Please join us this quarter for a series of great seminars. Mondays at 4:00 – 5:00pm, Physics and Astronomy Tower C520.
Spring Quarter Schedule
The Fish and Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series schedule is now available for spring quarter. We’ll see you there! Mondays at 3:00 – 4:00pm, Physics and Astronomy Tower C520.
Winter Quarter Schedule