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West Coast Poverty Center

Previously Funded Research


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Social Policy Research Fellowships


Chien-Hao Fu, Department of Economics, University of Washington.

Jorge Martinez, Department of Sociology, University of Washington.

Jason Williams, Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington.


Poverty and Policy Small Grant Awards


Martha J. Bailey, Assistant Professor of Economics, University Michigan."An American Experiment in Public Medicine: Community Health Centers and Mortality under the War on Poverty"

Lisa K. Bates, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies & Planning, Portland State University."What is a “good neighborhood”?: Exploring the Choices of Low Income Households in Portland"

Dina Okamoto, Associate Professor of Sociology, UC Davis."Creating Ties for Mobility: The Role of Community Organizations for Immigrant Parents in Urban, Poor Neighborhoods"


Michael Collins, Assistant Professor of Consumer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison."The Offer and Outcomes of Loan Modifications for Low-Income and Minority Homeowners: Comparing the West and Midwest"

Tara Watson, Assistant Professor of Economics, Williams College."Inside the Refrigerator: Welfare Reform, Immigration, Enforcement, and Chilling Effects in Immigrant Medicaid Participation"


Colleen Heflin, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, University of Missouri-Columbia"State-Level Variation in Material Hardship Among Households with Children"

Anita Alves Pena, Assistant Professor of Economics, Colorado State University"Poverty, Legal Status, and Pay Basis in U.S. Agriculture"


Scott W. Allard, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Brown University"Out of Place: The Geography of the Safety Net in the West"

Mark Edwards, Associate Professor of Sociology, Oregon State University"State Agency and NGO Impacts on Well Being of Vulnerable Populations in West Coast States: The Case of Food Insecurity and Hunger"


Emerging Poverty Scholar Small Grant Awards


Crystal Hall, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, University of Washington “Getting in the Door: Housing Search Histories of Voucher Recipients”

Seik Kim, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Washington "A New Test for Labor Market Discrimination"


Jake Rosenfeld, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Washington“Gendered Bargaining: Changing Labor Market Institutions and African-Americans in the Contemporary U.S.”

Roberto Gonzales, Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Washington"The Uncertain Futures of the Children of Undocumented Immigrants"

Frances Contreras, Assistant Professor of Education, University of Washington"Exploring the Pathways to College and Opportunities to Learn for Latinos in Multiple District Contexts"


Jennifer Romich, Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Washington"Financial Asset-Building Strategies and the Well-Being of Children and Youth in Poverty"

Anna Haley-Lock, Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Washington"Investigating State Minimum Wage Policy and Private Employer Influences on the Employment Experiences of Tipped Restaurant Workers"


Alexes Harris, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Washington"Understanding the Role of Payday Loans in the Lives of Low-Income Workers"

Rachel Kleit, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, , University of Washington; andSteve Page, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, University of Washington"Improving Low-Income Housing Policy Through Local Innovation"


Dissertation Fellowships


Michelle Maroto, Department of Sociology, University of Washington"The Scarring Effects of Bankruptcy: Cumulative Disadvantage Across Credit and Labor Markets"


Jon Agnone, Department of Sociology, University of Washington"Race Inequality in Weath: Do Labor Unions Really Matter?"

Colleen Chrisinger, Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington"The Impacts of Workforce Development and Wage Policies on the Economic Well-Being of Low-Income Individuals and Families"


Kelly P. McCarrier, Department of Health Services, University of Washington"Examining the health-related effects of state-level minimum wage policies"

Deborah Warnock, Department of Sociology, University of Washington"When Does Money Matter? Examining the Effect of Parents’ Perceptions of Financial Aid on Students’ College Expectations, Preparedness, and Enrollment"


Robin Anderson, Department of Economics, University of Washington"Indian Gaming: Impacts on Poverty and the Income Distribution"


Ronald Caldwell, Department of Economics, University of Washington"The Effects of Affirmative Action Policies in University Admissions on Human Capital Development of Minority Children: A Test of the Expectations"

Alex Morrow, Department of History, University of Washington"Laboring for the Day: Casual and Migrant Workers, Urban Politics, and the Shaping of the Pacific Coast in the Mid-Twentieth Century"


Amy Bailey, Department of Sociology, University of Washington"Measuring the Impact of Military Service on Residential and Socioeconomic Mobility"

Anne Bonds, Department of Geography, University of Washington"Examining the Politics and Economics of Siting Prisons in Rural Communities"

Nicki Bush, Department of Psychology, University of Washington"Identifying Factors that Protect Poor Children from Neighborhood Risk"

Raine Dozier, Department of Sociology, University of Washington"Examining the Widening Black-White Gap in Women’s Earnings"