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West Coast Poverty Center



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Jennifer Romich, Director

Jennifer Romich

Jennifer Romich is an Associate Professor in the UW School of Social Work. Jennifer studies resources and economics in families, with a particular emphasis on family budgets and interactions with public policy. Her current and recent poverty-related projects include ongoing research into effective marginal tax rates created by means-tested benefit schedules and the tax system; a study (with WCPC affiliate Bob Plotnick) on the effects of highway tolls on low-income households; research into financial services used by low-income consumers; and an ethnographic study of financial well-being among families served by the Seattle Housing Authority.Email:​; Phone: 206-616-6121

Shannon Harper, Deputy Director

 Shannon Harper organizes the WCPC Roundtables, programs the annual Poverty Summit, oversees the mini-grant program, and works on other WCPC projects. Prior to joining the WCPC, Shannon worked in Washington, D.C. and Oakland, California, doing research on the effects of welfare reform at the state and national levels.Email:; Phone: 206-685-7727