Past News and Events

February 12, 2025, 12:00pm

Please join us on February, 12th with Dr. Lisa Erlanger, MD. 

Her presentation will examine anti-fat bias as a structural determinant of health disparities, and offer an evidence-based framework for promoting the health and wellbeing of larger bodied patients. 


1. Recognize the impacts of anti-fat bias on health

January 22, 2025, 5:00pm

Seattle-based @VariantBio recently announced plans for benefit-sharing with Indigenous communities that have contributed genetic information to their drug development resea

S+T Salon Online Flyer for Bioethics and Human Flourishing
January 14, 2025, 2:30pm

Tuesday, Jan. 14, Drs. Amy Hinterberger, Tim Brown, & Susan Trinidad will speak at the UW’s Society + Technology Salon Series on Genetics and Bioethics.

S+T Salon | Online | Genetic Technologies, Technologies of Genetics Flyer
January 13, 2025, 12:30pm

The Department of Bioethics and Humanities' Dr. Malia Fullerton, along with four other presenters from across University of Washington, will kick off UW’s Society + Technology Salon Series on Monday, January 13, with a free online discussion exploring genetic technologies and technologies of genetics through anthropological, cultural, and philosophical lenses. This event will delve into topics like biostatistics, risk analysis, and more.