Intelligent Networks Laboratory

AI and graph-based systems.


Selected INL Publications.

  • Martinez Jordan, J., V. Salvatore, B. Endicott-Popovsky, V. Gandhi, C. O’Keefe, M.S. Sotebeer, and M. Stiber, "Graph-Based Simulation of Emergency Services Communications Systems", 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, July 18–21, 2022.
  • Frontoni, E., M. Paolanti, T.P. Lauriault, M. Stiber, L. Duranti, and M. Abdul-Mageed, "Trusted Data Forever: Is AI the Answer?", Workshop Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDT 2022 Joint Conference, Edinburgh, UK, March 29–April 1, 2022.
  • Conquest, J. and M. Stiber, "Software and Data Provenance as a Basis for eScience Workflow", 17th IEEE eScience, September 20-23, 2021.
  • Kostal, L., P. Lansky, and M. Stiber, "Statistics of inverse interspike intervals: the instantaneous firing rate revisited", Chaos 28, 106305, doi:10.1063/1.5036831, 2018.
  • Lee, J.Y.H. and M. Stiber, "Spatiotemporal characteristics of bursting and avalanches in cultures of cortical neurons", Proc. International Workshop on Neuronal Coding, Turin, Italy, September 9-14, 2018.
  • Lee, J.Y.H, M. Stiber, D. Si, "Machine Learning of Spatiotemporal Bursting Behaviors in Developing Neural Networks", International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 17-21, 2018.
  • Stiber, M., F. Kawasaki, D. Davis, H.U. Asuncion, J.Y.H. Chu, and D. Boyer, "BrainGrid+Workbench: High-Performance/High-Quality Neural Simulation," Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Anchorage, Alaska, May 14–19, 2017.
  • Stiber, M., F. Kawasaki, M. Strange, and A. Watson, "Bringing high performance neural simulation to the desktop with BrainGrid," Proc. International Workshop on Neuronal Coding, Cologne, Germany, August 29 – September 2, 2016.
  • Kawasaki, F. and M. Stiber, “A simple model of cortical culture growth: burst property dependence on network composition and activity”, Biological Cybernetics 108(4): 423-443, doi:10.1007/s00422-014-0611-9, 2014 (9.5M, PDF).
  • Stiber, M., B.Z. Stiber, and E.C. Larson, Signal Computing: Digital Signals in the Software Domain, 2014.
  • Kawasaki, F. and M. Stiber, “Accelerating Large-Scale Simulations of Cortical Neuronal Network Development”, Technical Report UWB-CSS-12-01, March 2012 (1.2M, PDF).
  • Stiber, M., “Transient bifurcations in neural error correction”, Biosystems 89(1-3): 24-29, May-June 2007.
  • Spanias, A., V. Atti, R. Chilimula, S. Haag, A. Papandreou-Suppappola, C. Tepedelenlioglu, J. Zhang, F. Bodreaux-Bartels, M. Stiber, T. Kasparis, and P Loizou, “A Collaborative Project on Java-DSP Involving Five Universities”, ASEE Conf., Chicago, June 2006.
  • Spanias, A., V. Atti, R. Chilimula, S. Haag, A. Papandreou-Suppappola, C. Tepedelenlioglu, J. Zhang, F. Bodreaux-Bartels, M. Stiber, T. Kasparis, and P Loizou, “Work in Progress --- Multi-university development and dissemination of online laboratories in probability theory, signals and systems, and multimedia computing”, IEEE FIE, Indianapolis, October 2005.
  • Stiber, M., “Spike timing precision and neural error correction: local behavior”, Neural Computation 17(7): 1577-1601, 2005.
  • Gómez, L., R. Budelli, R. Saa, M. Stiber, and J.P. Segundo, “Pooled spike trains of correlated presynaptic inputs as realizations of cluster point processes”, Biological Cybernetics 92(2): 110-127, 2005.
  • Stiber, M. and M. Pottorf, “Response space construction for neural error correction”, IJCNN’04, Budapest, Hungary, July 2004.
  • Stiber, M. and T. Holderman, “Global behavior of neural error correction”, IJCNN’04, Budapest, Hungary, July 2004.
  • Stiber, M., “Non-information-maximizing neural coding”, IJCNN 2003, Portland, Oregon, July 2003 (640K PDF).
  • Hrebec, D.G. and M. Stiber, “A survey of system administrator mental models and situation awareness”, ACM SIGCPR, San Diego, April 2001(60K gzip'ed Postscript).
  • Stiber, B.Z., E.R. Lewis, and M. Stiber, “Auditory singularity detection by a gerbil cochlea model”, CNS*99, Pittsburgh, July 1999 and Neurocomputing 32-33: 537-43, 2000.
  • Marx, R. and M. Stiber, “Dynamical neural networks for sensorimotor control”, International Workshop on Neuronal Coding, Osaka, Japan, October 1999 (gzip'ed postscript, 100K).
  • Eaton, S.L. and M. Stiber, “An ANN for recognizing melody preferences”, IJCNN'99, Washington, DC, July 1999.
  • Segundo, J.P., G. Sugihara, P. Dixon, M. Stiber, and L. Bersier, “The spike trains of inhibited pacemaker neurons seen through the magnifying glass of nonlinear analyses”, Neuroscience 87(4): 741-766, 1998.
  • Segundo, J.P., J.-F. Vibert, and M. Stiber, “Periodically modulated inhibition of pacemaker neurons. III. The heterogeneity of the postsynaptic spike train, and how control parameters affect it”, Neuroscience 87(1): 15-47, 1998.
  • Stiber, M. and B. Lau, “Long-Term Potentiation and Synaptic Coding of Time-Varying Inputs”, Proc. ICONIP'98, pp. 621-4, Kitakyushu, Japan, October 1998.
  • Stiber, B.Z., M. Stiber, E.R. Lewis, and K.R. Henry, “Categorization of Gerbil Auditory Fiber Responses”, CNS*98, Santa Barbara, California, July 1998 and Neurocomputing 26-27: 277-83, 1999(HTML summary).
  • Stiber, M., R. Ieong, and J.P. Segundo, “Responses to transients in living and simulated neurons”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 8(6): 1379-85, 1997(gzip'ed postscript, 180K).
  • Stiber, M., K. Pakdaman, J.-F. Vibert, E. Boussard, J.P. Segundo, T. Nomura, S. Sato, and S. Doi, “Complex responses of living neurons to pacemaker inhibition: a comparison of dynamical models”, BioSystems 40: 177-88, 1997(gzip'ed postscript, 500K).
  • Stiber, M., G.A. Jacobs, and D. Swanberg, “Logos: A Computational Framework for Neuroinformatics Research”, Proc. Ninth Int. Conf. Scientific and Statistical Database Management, pp. 212-22, Olympia, Washington, August 1997(PDF, 2.5MB).
  • Ieong, R. and M. Stiber, “Long-term potentiation effects on synaptic coding”, CNS*96, Boston, July 1996(gzip'ed postscript, 220K).
  • Segundo, J.P., J.-F. Vibert, M. Stiber, and S. Hanneton, “Periodically modulated inhibition and its post-synaptic consequences. I. General features. Influences of modulation frequency”, Neuroscience 68(3): 657-92, 1995.
  • Segundo, J.P., J.-F. Vibert, M. Stiber, and S. Hanneton, “Periodically modulated inhibition and its post-synaptic consequences. II. Influence of pre-synaptic slope, depth, range, noise and of post-synaptic natural discharges”, Neuroscience 68(3): 693-719, 1995.
  • Segundo, J.P., Stiber, M., and J.-F. Vibert, “Synaptic coding of spike trains. Entrainment across synapses of one neuron by another”, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, M. Arbib, ed., MIT Press, 1995.