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Comparative Perspectives

Communicating Civic Engagement in Europe and the United States
May 19-20, 2000 • University of Washington

Conference Organizer
Lance Bennett
Director, The Center for Communication and Civic Engagement
University of Washington

Participants and Papers

Bruce Bimber, University of California, Santa Barbara
Information, Technology, and the Organization of Political Engagement in the US

Bette Jean Bullert, Seattle University
Progressive Public Relations, Sweatshops and the Net

Peter Dahlgren, Lund University
Internet and the Democratization of Civic Culture

Michael X. Delli Carpini, Pew Charitable Trusts
Gen.com: Youth Civic Engagement and the New Information Environment

David Domke, University of Washington
Elite Messages: The Role of Race as a Source Cue

Nina Eliasoph, University of Wisconsin
Immeasurable Pleasures and Measurable Injustices: Communicating a Politics of Care

John Gastil, University of Washington
Is Face-to-Face Citizen Deliberation a Luxury or a Necessity for Democracy?

Susan Herbst, Northwestern University
Strategic communication and notions of citizenship in the American women's movement, 1960-1980

Sabine Lang, Free University Berlin
NGOs in the German Local Public: Democratizing Governance or Reshaping Corporatism?

Regina G. Lawrence, Portland State University and Lance Bennett, University of Washington
Civic Engagement in the Era of Big Stories

Paolo Mancini, University of Perugia
How to Combine media Commercialization and Party Affiliation: Is There a Place for Citizenship?

Gianpietro Mazzoleni, University of Genoa
A return to civic and political engagement prompted by personalized political leadership?

Diana Mutz, Ohio State University
Implications of the Information Environment for Political Participation

Margaret Scammell, London School of Economics
Internet and civic engagement: Age of the citizen-consumer

Philip Schlesinger, University of Sterling and University of Oslo
The Reinvention of Scotland?

Adam F. Simon and Michael Xenos, University of Washington
Media Framing and Effective Public Deliberation

David Swanson, University of Illinois
The Homologous Evolution of Political Communication and Civic Engagement:Good News, Bad News, and No News