David Korten
President and founder of the People-Centered Development Forum (www.pcdforum.org), co-founder and board chair of Positive Futures Network, publishers of Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures and author of several books, including When Corporations Rule the World and The Post Corporate World: Life After Capitalism.

Interview by Jaelle Dragomir

Naomi Klein
Journalist, political commentator and author of No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies.

Interview by B.J. Bullert (This video is encoded at 100kb/s for optimal quality. It cannot be viewed by people using dial-up connections or older modems).

Andrew Ross
Social critic and Director of the American Studies program at NYU.

Interview by B.J. Bullert (This video is encoded at 100kb/s for optimal quality. It cannot be viewed by people using dial-up connections or older modems).

Kalle Lasn
Editor of Adbusters magazine, co-founder of the Media Foundation, and author of Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge -- and Why We Must.

Interview by Wendi Pickerel, Helena Jorgensen, and Lance Bennett

Ashley Parkinson

Northwest Shade Coffee Campaign Coordinator for the Seattle Audubon Society.

Interview by David Iozzi

Melissa Schweisguth
Fair Trade Coordinator for Global Exchange.

Interview by David Iozzi

Deborah James
Fair Trade Director for Global Exchange.

Interview by Sebastian Gallander