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CCCE Newsletter for October, 2002

CCCE has a new website! Check it out:

Are you a Center Affiliate? Please look at the "Center Affiliates and Fellows" feature to make sure your picture is posted and that you are happy with it. Please let us know if you would like to make any changes in your listing. You can communicate with us at ccce@u.washington.edu.

Next Center Event: Forum with East European Journalists

CCCE is pleased to join the World Affairs Council, the Dart Center, and the Department of Communication in sponsoring a roundtable discussion on journalism and democracy in comparative perspective. Roger Simpson, Jerry Baldasty, and Lance Bennett of the Department of Communication will exchange views with distinguished journalists from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary and Poland. Topics to be covered include: investigative journalism, coverage of traumatic events, economics and the news business, and the role of journalism in different democratic systems. TIME: Tuesday, October 8, 1:00-2:30. PLACE: Room 126 Communication.

Student Voices Update

CCCE has wrapped up its Student Voices Project. The Project was part of the National Student Voices Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, with funding from the Annenberg Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Total funding was $400,000.00. The Project provided 15 Seattle area high schools with computers and curriculum support in the amount of $155,000. In addition, a number of RA's and hourly students from Communication and Political Science were supported over the past year and a half. The data gathered during the project -measuring the effects of an interactive media environment and practical political activities on civic engagement -- will be available to graduate students for study and evaluation. Highlights of the project included a televised Citywide Mayoral Forum, with a student panel grilling the candidates, student op-eds published in the Seattle Times, and significant media coverage that brought the students into the spotlight, along with the University of Washington, the Department of Communication and the Department of Political Science as well. An executive summary is available at http://depts.washington.edu/ccce/CivicEngagement/StudentVoices.htm. For more information, contact Lance Bennett, PI, lbennett@u.washington.edu.

New Center Project: The Election Web Archive Project (EWA)

Once again, The Pew Charitable Trusts is funding a Center Project. Communication professor, Kirsten Foot, is overseeing it. Professor Steve Schneider, Department of Political Science at SUNYIT is partnering with UW researchers to archive and collect metadata on 2002 U. S. Election websites. The Library of Congress will archive the collection, making this valuable resource available to the public. The project will employ two RA's for the 2002-2003 school year, again, from both departments. EWA will gain national attention when, in March, 2003, the archives are made public through The Library of Congress.

Undergraduate Learning Takes Off At CCCE

The Center is proud of its new program to enhance undergraduate learning through research. Undergraduates have become fully involved in various projects at CCCE. Thanks to the timely support of David Hodge and Susan Jeffords, we are able to continue and expand this effort for the coming year. Some of the first year projects are showcased at http://depts.washington.edu/ccce/Research/UndergradResearch.htm

Coming Attractions: Stay Tuned Next Month for the Launch of the Global Citizen Project