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WTO Campaign

In late November 1999, tens of thousands of environmental activists, trade unionists, faith-based activists and others gathered in the streets of Seattle to protest the Millenium Round of meetings being held by the World Trade Organization, the international body charged with creating and enforcing trade agreements among many of the world's nations. Activists accused the WTO of being undemocratic, undermining environmental regulations and promoting anti-labor and anti-human rights policies. The Internet figured heavily in the mobilization.

Response from Campaign Target
World Trade Organization

Primary WTO Campaign Network Sites
180 Movement for Democracy and Education
Adbusters Magazine
American Lands Alliance
WTO History Project (UW Center for Labor Studies)
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
IATP's WTO Watch
International Forum on Globalization (IFG)
People's Global Action
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Third World Network
WTO Watch