IFSP-Indonesia 2018 Program Dates: 
28 June - 24 July

IFSP-Indo Course Descriptions and Requirements

PSYCH 494: Field Study in Animal Behavior (Kyes)

"International Field Study Program-Indonesia Seminar"
Required: Undergraduate and Graduate.
Period: Spring Quarter; Credits: 3.
Location: University of Washington.

This course is designed to prepare students for travel to Indonesia and participation in the International Field Study Program-Indonesia. Topics covered include Indonesian history and culture, travel planning, concepts in primatology, and field research preparation. Students are required to complete a research proposal for a project to be conducted at the Indonesian field site. The course also will focus on basic language training (bahasa Indonesian) including vocabulary and conversation skills.
Requirements: Permission of Program Director, completion of program requirements.
Maximum enrollment: 10 students


PSYCH 494: Field Study in Animal Behavior (Kyes)

"Field Course in Conservation Biology & Global Health: At the Human-Environment Interface"
Open to Undergraduates and Graduates.
Period: Summer; Credits: 3.
Location: MB/Tinjil Island, Indonesia.

This course provides an introduction to the disciplines of Conservation Biology and Global Health with a focus on the human-environment interface. A wide range of topics are covered including field study methods, threats to biodiversity, management and conservation strategies, primate behavior and ecology, wildlife conservation in Indonesia, human-wildlife interface, issues in global health, health concerns of local people, emerging infectious disease, biomedical research, and translational science. The course is intended to provide participants with an initial understanding to the basic principles of Conservation Biology, experience with the methods and techniques used in field research, an understanding of the need for population and ecosystem management and conservation, and an appreciation of the complex relationship between environmental health and global health at the human-environment interface. The course consists of daily lectures, discussion group, field exercises, and community outreach education.

       -  Permission of Program Director
       -  Completion of program requirements, and
       -  PSYCH 494, Field Study in Animal Behavior ("International Field Study Program-Indonesia Seminar").


PSYCH 499: Undergraduate Research (Kyes)

"Field Research in Indonesia"
Open to Undergraduates.
Period: Summer; Credits: max. 4 (CR/NC).
Location: MB/Tinjil Island, Indonesia.

This course is designed to acquaint the student with basic field study techniques and provide the opportunity to conduct an actual field research project. Students are required to complete a written research report and maintain a journal. Research topics can be tailored to meet the student's area of interest.
Permission of Program Director
       -  Completion of program requirements, and
       -  PSYCH 494, Field Study in Animal Behavior ("International Field Study Program-Indonesia Seminar").


PSYCH 599/600: Directed/Independent Research (Kyes)

"Field Research in Indonesia"
Open to Graduates.
Period: TBA; Credits: TBA.
Location: MB/Tinjil Island/other affiliated sites, Indonesia.

This course is designed to acquaint the student with basic field study techniques and provide the opportunity to conduct an actual field research project. Students are required to complete a written research report and maintain a journal. Research topics can be tailored to meet the student's area of interest.
Permission of Program Director
       -  Completion of program requirements, and
       -  PSYCH 494, Field Study in Animal Behavior ("International Field Study Program-Indonesia Seminar").