Tacoma Disciplinary Commons
Meetings & Materials 2005-06

Dates and Times

Date Subject Plans &
Homework Reading
Sep 24 The content of our courses: How did you come to be a teacher? What are the learning goals you set for your course? Project Overview. session plan Course Goals Shulman: "Course Anatomy"
Oct 22 The context of our courses: How does your course fit in your degree program(s), student demographics, operating constraints. session plan Course Context Read 3 example CP's from repositories
Cerbin, 2001
Nov 19 The content of our courses (again): Course anatomy. What do you teach? What are the parts? What are the organizing principles? session plan Course Content Dorst, The Story behind the Design
Huber, Why Now?
Dec 10 The ways we teach: Course physiology. how do you teach? What methods? When used? For what purposes? Getting the "how" to fit the "what" and "why" session plan Teaching methods Adprima's Instructional Methods Overview Apple Learning Interchange: Teaching Practice
Jan 7 Our philosophy of teaching: Why do you teach what you teach? Why do you teach how you teach? What tacit assumptions do your teaching choices embed, especially about how students think and learn? session plan Teaching philosophy Bruner, Folk Pedagogy
Feb 11 Student learning: What does student work tell you? What are students learning and failing to learn? Do you ask students to undertake work that you value? session plan Evidence of student learning Bernstein, Student Learning
Hutchings et al, Focus on Student Learning
Mar 11 Assessment: How do you grade? Making criteria explicit. Why do you grade the way that you do? Assessing what you value. session plan Assessment Broad, "What we really value"
Apr 8 Course Delivery: Debriefing the Self and Peer Observations. What did you learn? session plan Self and Peer Observation UW/CIDR on Peer Observation
Hutchings, Peer Observation
May 6 Conference Presentation: presentation (ppt) Complete Portfolio (Draft)
June 3 Portfolio presentations session plan Final Portfolio & Portfolio presentation Knox et al., "Peer review"
Shulman, "Teaching as community property"
Sept 29
One Year Later session plan
Pea, Practices of distributed intelligence