About the Project

About Us


Who Are We?

We are a team of students and faculty at the University of Washington working on a project to explore the idea of social robots to measure and address teen stress.

Meet the team

Why a Design Challenge About Social Robots and Stress?

We know that teens face more stress than any other age group. Our team is interested in how a social robot can help schools, parents, and teens to better understand stress and also help teens manage their stress.

This project uses human-centered design, which is a design process used by many high tech companies to develop products and services that meet the needs of the people who will use them. We believe the best way to design a robot for teens is to have teens take the lead in the design themselves.

Our team is interested in seeing what the teens come up with in the design challenge. The ideas that teens come up with will be used as inspiration for designs we will create in the project going forward. This is an open source project and we plan to share all of our work publicly.

About Project: EMAR

The design challenge is a part of a broader project called Project EMAR (Ecological Momentary Assessment Robot).

Read more at Project EMAR’s blog

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