Dr. Emma Rose

Dr. Elin A. Björling

Dr. Maya Cakmak



I’m a third-year PhD student in the Information School at UW. As a researcher, my focus is human-computer interaction and user research. For my future dissertation topic, I am interested in fostering social interaction in virtual reality and its educational impact.


Will be updated soon.



I’m a second year Master’s student in the Human Centered Design and Engineering program at UW. I love user research and am excited to help amplify and center teen voices with Project EMAR and the design challenge.


I am a first year Masters student in Human Centered Design and Engineering. Leading discussion rounds as a volunteer, I discovered how many circumstances stress teenagers. I am excited to be working on this challenge, and to experience the HCD process with the teenagers.


I’m a senior year IT -HCI student and aspiring UX researcher. I like to challenge problems with a set of design processes to create an excellent user experience.


I’m a sophomore studying interaction design at UW Seattle. I’m interested in the intersection between design, technology, and mental health. Having been a teen with stress, I hope to make a positive influence on high schoolers through EMAR!


Will be updated soon.


I’m a freshman at UW Seattle who’s looking forward to getting involved with the research group as a Student Advisor. My own experiences in robotics, student mental health, and community outreach have led me to join this project. I’m excited to see how I can use my skills to help local high schools!


I’m a first year Masters student in Human Centered Design and Engineering. I’ve been a designer for many years, and I’m very excited to share the user-centered design process with teens!


I am a first year Masters student in Human Centered Design & Engineering. I have a computer science background and have previously worked with teenagers as a peer counselor in high school, which is why I am particularly excited about this DRG. In long term, I wish to build & improve my skillset as a UX Researcher.


I’m in my 3rd year Bachelors in Human Centered Design and Engineering. I’m passionate about design and helped with the development of the website.


I am a second year Masters student in the Information School, specializing in UX Designing. My long-term goal is to become a Product Manager with a focus on Product Designing. At the moment I am hooked by the idea of Social Design.


I’m a second year Master’s student in the Human Centered Design and Engineering at UW. I am an UX/UI Designer who is passionate about creating from conceptual ideas to user-friendly products.


I’m an undergrad in the Communications major at UW Tacoma and I love everything that has to do with design and technology. I am always learning and enjoy interacting with creative minds.


I am an undergraduate student at UWT graduating this June with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. I am passionate about human centered design and love creating user friendly products. Upon graduating I plan on starting my career in the industry with a focus in human-computer interaction.

I am a senior studying Computer Science and Technical Communication at UW Tacoma. I am an aspiring UX researcher, fascinated by the design process and love working in creative environments that focus on problem solving.


I am a junior at UWT majoring in Writing Studies-Technical Communication. I am looking forward to using my passion for working with people in combination with my interest in human centered design this quarter on Project EMAR.


I’m a junior and an aspiring UX designer. I’m interested in utilizing my technical and design skills to help connect people to the benefits of technology.


I’m in my 2nd year Master’s in Human Centered Design and Engineering, and I’m interested in behavioral health and social interactions with technology. I’m passionate about design and helped with the design of the website.


I’m a PhD student in Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington. My main research interests are social computing, informal engineering education, and diversity & inclusion. In my free time, I mentor at hackathons and tinker in the CoMotion Makerspace.


I am a senior at the University of Washington Tacoma graduating in the Spring of 2018 with a degree in Communications. I hope to pursue my Masters in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the UW. I’m very passionate about serving communities of color and am currently working on a research project for the Undergraduate Symposium surrounding students of color in STEM and the lack of representation and inclusion. I’m excited to be serving as a mentor and helping expose teens to the dynamic world of UX and STEM.