Category Archives: Selected Essays

2006-07 Winner: “The Manipulation and Exploitation of Nationalism” by Behnum Habibi

“The Manipulation and Exploitation of Nationalism” by Behnum Habibi PDF The need to call a place home is a very familiar desire. National citizenship can be thought of as a unique status which offers people unbridled access to this peace … Continue reading

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2005-06 Selected Essays & Co-Chairs’ Note

2005-06 Winners The Imperialist Reason: Evolution of Self-Described Knowledge and Morality Teresa Lee A New Year Festival to Celebrate Cultural Diversity Linh Phan Give Me Technology: Rhetorical Strategies in Scientific Writing Mark Sena Adjustment without Improvement: Racial Hegemony in The … Continue reading

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2005-06 Winner: “Adjustment without Improvement: Racial Hegemony in The Bluest Eye” by Emily Thompson

“Adjustment without Improvement” by Emily Thompson PDF The characters in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye live in the racially segregated American city of the 1940s.  In their book Racial Formation in the United States, Michael Omi and Howard Winant explore … Continue reading

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2005-06 Winner: “Give Me Technology: Rhetorical Strategies in Scientific Writing” by Mark Sena

“Give Me Technology” by Mark Sena PDF In order for scientific breakthroughs to directly impact the general public, abstract ideas, theories and discoveries must be effectively transformed into real technologies which, when applied, benefit everyday life. Similarly, scientific literature uses … Continue reading

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2005-06 Winner: “A New Year Festival to Celebrate Cultural Identity” by Linh Phan

“A New Year Festival” by Linh Phan PDF The Vietnamese Lunar New Year was first introduced by China, Viet Nam’s oppressors for almost two thousand years (Le par. 7).  The Chinese brought their own policies, culture and traditions to Viet … Continue reading

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2005-06 Winner: “The Imperialist Reason: Evolution of Self-Described Knowledge and Morality” by Teresa Lee

“The Imperialist Reason” by Teresa Lee PDF Imperialism has existed under many different names and for a variety of purposes from the colonization of the “New World” to the contemporary spread of American freedom in the Middle East.  Imperialism has … Continue reading

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2004-05 Selected Essays & Greetings from the Co-Chairs

2004-05 Winners Reality vs. Actuality: A Construction of the Truth Carly Cannell The Capitalization of Intelligence: How Spellbound Transforms Education into a Commodity Through Metaphor Scott Hanes Mother Teresa and Media Mayhem Chris Klontz Understanding the Science Gender Gap Matt … Continue reading

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2004-05 Winner: “Reality vs. Actuality: A Construction of the Truth” by Carly Cannell

“Reality vs. Actuality” by Carly Cannell PDF Rapid technological advancements and an influx of media in today’s society have connected us in more ways than ever thought possible.  Television, movies, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and other forms of the media … Continue reading

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2004-05 Winner: “Chief Seattle’s Real Message” by David Wu

“Chief Seattle’s Real Message” by David Wu PDF “There was a time when our people covered the land as the waves of a wind… but that time long since passed away with the greatness of tribes that are now but … Continue reading

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2004-05 Winner: “Mother Teresa and Media Mayhem” by Chris Klontz

“Mother Teresa and Media Mayhem” by Chris Klontz PDF The media and society tend to distort and oversimplify accounts of events and peoples lives to make them appeal to audiences.  Joan Didion’s essay “Sentimental Journeys,” analyzes how “sentimental narratives” have … Continue reading

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