Tag Archives: Jasmine Yeh

2008-09 Selected Essays

The editorial committee of e.g., UW’s online journal of 100-level writing, is pleased to announce the winning essays for 2008-09: “Turning the Intrinsic Screw: Henry James and Human Nature” Caitlin Harding “Christina Rosetti’s Goblin Market: Finding the Middle Ground” Jasmine … Continue reading

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2008-09 Winner: “Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market: Finding the Middle Ground” by Jasmine Yeh

“Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market” by Jasmine Yeh PDF “Lizzie with an open heart, Laura in an absent dream, One content, one sick in part; One warbling for the mere bright day’s delight, One longing for the night.” –Christina Rossetti Since … Continue reading

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