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University of Washington Resources

If you are a doctoral student at the University of Washington, you may find these general Ph.D. career resources on campus useful.  Some of these are also Promising Practices on our site; click on the name to learn more.  The information provided in these resources (listed below) are general rather than discipline-specific. The following two pages provide many more discipline-specific professional development resources:

We welcome additions to this list of resources at  


Alumni Association  Students at UW have free access to Career Connections, a database of alumni and UW friends willing to offer informational interviews, eProNet, an online job search and career management service, and other resources.  Alumni who join the UWAA have access to these services as well.

Center for Advanced Research Technology in the Arts and Humanities (CARTAH)  CARTAH supports arts and humanities projects using technology, offers tutorials in multi-media, and organizes presentations on using and assessing technology.

Center for Career Services  Although the Center for Career Services does not target graduate students, the services and resources it provides are useful for doctoral students and Ph.D.'s making a career shift.  Among other things, the Center offers individualized career counseling, aptitude and skills assessments, career fairs and internships, a library and on-line resources, workshops about career transitions, resume writing, interview skills and more.

Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR)  CIDR is a pedagogical resource for TAs.  CIDR consultants provides TAs with individualized assessments and feedback about their teaching, classroom dynamics, developing a teaching portfolio, and more.  The Center sponsors events and workshops and maintains library and on-line pedagogical resources.

Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) CTLT is a pedagogical resource that helps TAs and faculty effectively incorporate technology into the classroom.  The center offers individualized consultations, on-line resources, workshops about creating and using class websites, PowerPoint presentations, bulletins, surveys, and more.

Center for Technology and Disabilities (CTDS) CTDS offers certification in and workshops about Assistive Technology.

Departmental/Unit Ph.D. Professional Development Resources  This table lists professional development opportunities available for graduate students in departments and centers around campus.

Disabled Student Services (DSS) DSS consults with TAs and faculty about working with and effectively teaching students with disabilities.

Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology (DO-IT) DO-IT helps faculty and TAs make their classes more accessible through computer, adaptive, and internet technologies.

Educational Assessment, Office of (OEA) OEA provides TAs and faculty with student ratings feedback.

Edward E. Carlson Leadership and Public Service Center  The center helps faculty and TAs incorporate community-based volunteer service into academic instruction to support the learning goals of their courses.

GO-MAP: Graduate Opportunities & Minority Achievement Program GO-MAP sponsors interdisciplinary symposia, supports graduate student participation in national conferences, and works to enhance the graduate experience for students of color and traditionally underrepresented students.

GPSS: Graduate and Professional Student Senate GPSS represents students on campus and in the legislature, acts as a resource center and funds graduate programming and departmental resources.

Graduate School  The Graduate School offers courses on teaching and mentoring (GRDSCH 610, 620, 630), Huckabay Fellowships and Mentor projects, a Preparing Future Faculty program, and runs a new TA orientation, with additional workshops on teaching.

Issues for Ethnic Minorities and Woman In Science and Engineering  This lecture series (Fridays at 1:30 in Physics-Astronomy A114) is open to the public, and lecture abstracts are available online.

Ph.D. Career Paths  This report, conducted in 1997 by the Graduate School, highlights findings from an employment survey of University of Washington Ph.D. recipients who received their degrees between 1986 and 1996.  

Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology (PETTT)  Like CTLT, PETTTS also has the goal of incorporating technology into the classroom.  Where CTLT focuses more on the logistics of technology use, PETTT also seeks to research and evaluate the use of technology in the classroom.  The program has helped departments develop interactive video programs, on-line learning, and an interactive multi-media site, and regularly offers presentations about enhancing learning through technology.

University of Washington Promising Practices This is a list of Promising Practices in doctoral education at the University of Washington.

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