Aimee Urata

by Scott Schwinge

For years, Friday Harbor Labs residents and visitors have been greeted in our main office by the smiling face of Aimee Urata. Aimee is often the first person that visitors see, and for many her face has become an important part of FHL’s institutional persona.

Shortly after she started working at FHL in May 2003, Aimee became indispensable. Her abundant qualities became quickly apparent: charm, intelligence, a sense of fun, empathy and a sharp memory for details about people. Aimee has a particular affinity for kids -- nothing brings a smile to Aimee’s face faster than seeing the young children in the broader FHL community. Some of them insist on stopping by regularly to visit her.

Aimee’s official responsibilities focus primarily on financial matters including billing, payroll, banking, and more. Importantly, her broad knowledge of FHL and the San Juan Island community are important assets for visitors. Aimee was also part of the recent FHL Director Search Committee as the FHL staff representative.

Aimee and her husband Chad have four daughters and two grandchildren, who Aimee revels in spending time with. She likes to hike in the Grand Canyon and spends winter vacations in Mexico with friends. However, we all miss her in the office when she is gone.

Simply put, FHL is a better place with Aimee.

Thanks, Aimee!!