New Administrator Mark Tetrick

By Billie Swalla

FHL’s new Administrator Mark Tetrick described his new position on San Juan Island as his “dream job” when he interviewed last fall along with two other stellar candidates. We hope that he still feels that way after four months of immersion in FHL budgets, MOUs and staff H.R. issues!

Mark has extensive experience and highly developed skills in program and project management, operational and capital budget development and oversight, human resource administration, staff development, and strategic planning and implementation. Mark’s last position was at UW with IACUC, the office that is in charge of vertebrate animal welfare for the University. However, he received his B.A. (cum laude) and worked for many years in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (SAFS) in the College of the Environment. He has a M.A.S. in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He managed commercial and industrial projects for Schuchart Corporation, with Boeing Commercial Airplanes as their primary client, for several years before returning to the UW Office of Animal Welfare in 2010.

We’ve all enjoyed getting to know Mark and working with him in the FHL Team approach to management. It’s been a steep learning curve, but he’s kept his sense of humor throughout the first few months. We all knew it would be impossible to replace Scott Schwinge, and we are reassigning some duties for Mark to allow him to concentrate on FHL Administration. I have personally enjoyed Mark’s enthusiasm, attention to detail, and ability to work with others effectively.

Welcome to FHL, Mark!