FHL Summer Internship

By Laura Watson

In the summer between my Junior and Senior years at Garfield High School in Seattle, I was fortunate to live and work at the Labs. I had inquired about a position at the labs of Dr. Megan Dethier and Dr. David Duggins, and their positive response was one of the luckiest replies I have ever received. From wrangling urchins to identifying copepods to surveying beaches, work at the labs was a blast. I was graciously welcomed into the Spatial Subsidies lab, working side-by-side with accomplished scientists. I saw the inner workings of a marine science field site, attending lectures of international researchers and glimpsing into the future I dream of pursuing. As for marine research, I’m hooked. In the fall I will be attending California Institute of Technology to expand my scientific knowledge and research skills. Thanks to my experience at Friday Harbor, I am inspired to spend my life working to solve the grand problems facing the world’s oceans.