In the News

1) Preparing to install the world’s largest underwater observatory

The NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative: Regional Scales Nodes project is developing a profiling system that records data in the upper 650 feet (200 m) of the ocean.
Follow the VISIONS+13 UW Expedition

2) Newly published study challenges assumptions of marine food web research

Several FHL researchers — Megan Dethier, Aaron Galloway and David Duggins — collaborated on the paper that has been featured in Marine Ecology Progress Series entitled “Addressing assumptions: variation in stable isotopes and fatty acids of marine macrophytes can confound conclusions of food web studies.”

3) Space-age domes offer a window on ocean acidification

The Ocean Acidification Research Apprenticeship (Ocean 492) that took place this summer at FHL created a website and blog documenting their activities. They were also featured in several articles:
UW News Article | UW Daily Article | Crosscut Article

4) FHL ocean acidification research published in Nature

FHL researchers, Michael O'Donnell, Matthew George and Emily Carrington, recently had a paper on the effect of ocean acidification on mussel attachment published in Nature. Read More...