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Fires @ ALE
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Welcome to the Fires @ ALE website

Fires @ ALE is a project of the University of Washington College of Forest Resources, The Nature Conservancy and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. We are investigating the effect of multiple severe wildfires on the sagebrush-steppe habitats of the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve (ALE).

The results of this study will inform immediate management decisions regarding present and future post-fire habitat rehabilitation measures on the ALE Reserve, the National Monument and other shrub-steppe sites, and will provide a critical understanding of the long-term dynamics of these significant shrub steppe systems.

For more information on the project please contact firesale@u.washington.edu.

Our field assistant Lorna Emerich monitoring a permanent vegetation plot on ALE

Latest news

We organized a field tour of our research sites for our collaborators and local agencies. Many thanks to all those who attended for making it so successful. A report of the day was featured in the Othello Outlook. (27 May 2010)

After two and a half months we have successfully completed the second field season of the Fires @ ALE project. In addition to monitoring all our sites on ALE we were also able to monitor a number of unburnt areas on private land surrounding the reserve. Huge thanks are due to all the local land-owners who gave us permission to visit the sites as well as to our field technicians. (27 May 2010)

Findings from an initial analysis of our historical data were presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Northwest Scientific Association. The results suggest that the first fire on ALE, in 2000, caused a significant decline in the cover of sagebrush and an increase in cheatgrass. (28 March 2009).