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Fires @ ALE
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The Fires @ ALE library

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This page provides further information from, and relevant to, the Fires @ ALE project. We will publish reports, proposals and papers resulting from our work here. Links to previous reports and papers are also provided.

For those seeking additional background on the ecology and management of ALE, the Fish and Wildlife Service have an excellent page on the Hanford Reach National Monument, of which ALE is a part. They have also published a fairly comprehensive bibiliography for the Monument.

For those seeking botanical information for ALE, please visit our Flora of ALE page.

Fires @ ALE proposals

Dunwiddie P. et al. (2008): Vegetation impacts of recurring fires on sagebrush ecosystems in Washington: Implications for conservation and rehabilitation. Proposal to Joint Fire Sciences RFA 2008-1 Task 5: 2007 Fires – Remeasurement opportunities.

Fires @ ALE publications

Conference presentations

Davies G.M. et al. (2010). Vegetation monitoring to improve conservation [poster]. In: University of Washington Conservation Colloquium: conservation in practice from Anthropology to Zoology. Seattle, WA, 3rd March 2010.

Davies G.M. et al. (2010). The impact of multiple wildfires on trajectories of change and stable states in sagebrush-steppe ecosystems. In: Oregon Chapter/Northwest Section Meeting of The Wildlife Society: emerging environmental issues and the role of wildlife science. Bend, OR, 11th - 12th February 2010.

Dettweiler-Robinson E. et al. (2010). Addressing trajectories of community change of sagebrush shrub-steppe following multiple wildfires and implications for restoration. In: Society for Ecological Restoration NW & The Wildlife Society WA Regional Conference 2010. Tulalip, WA, 16th - 18th February 2010.

Davies G.M. et al. (2009). The impact of multiple wildfires on trajectories of change and stable states in sagebrush-steppe ecosystems. In: 4h International Fire Ecology and Management Congress: fire as a global process. Savannah, GA, 30th November - 4th December 2009.

Dettweiler-Robinson E. et al. (2009). The impact of multiple wildfires on sagebrush-steppe communities: implications for restoration. In: 36th Annual Natural Areas Conference. Vancouver, WA, 14 - 18th September 2009.

Bakker J.D. et al. (2009): The impact of multiple severe wildfires on sagebrush steppe vegetation. In: The Pacific Northwest in a Changing Environment: 81st Annual Meeting of the Northwest Scientific Association. Seattle, WA, 25 - 28th March 2009.

Previous reports

Evans J.R. et al. (2003): Biodiversity Studies of the Hanford Site Final Report: 2002–-2003. Seattle: The Nature Conservancy.

Evans J.R. & Lih M.P. (2005): Recovery and Rehabilitation of Vegetation on the Fitzner-Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology Reserve, Hanford Reach National Monument, Following the 24 Command Fire. Final Report: 2001 - 2004. Seattle: The Nature Conservancy.

Hinds N.R. & Rogers L.E. (1991): Ecological Perspectives of Land Use History: The Arid Lands Ecology (ALE) Reserve. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Skinner T.V. et al. (2001): Wildland Fire Management Plan, Hanford Reach National Monument. US Fish & Wildlife Service.