
Links to Partners and Affiliates:

The Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, UW

The Curry International Tuberculosis Center 

Seattle/King County Public Health 

King County Tuberculosis Control Program

WA State Department of Health Tuberculosis program

Tuber – MIG (Mycobacterium Interest Group) II

Global Health Department’s TB/HIV Working Group

INTERSECT – International Respiratory and Severe Illness Center, UW

TB Photovoice

TB Voices

Special News Event:
Kiro radio interviewed local health officials regarding worldwide spread of tuberculosis. The Gates foundation is funding the testing for a new tuberculosis drug.

Click here for link to page and interview audio file

Video Animation sponsored by USAID:


Tuberculosis Resources:

Walimu Mobile App
An NGO called Walimu includes Luke Davis and Adithya Cattamanchi from UCSF and William Worodria and Achilles Katamba from Makerere University. Over the last year, they’ve expanded efforts from improving the management of severe illness in Mulago Hospital to working on adapting available guidelines to mobile apps in an effort to make the guidelines more accessible to health practitioners in resource-limited settings. This is the launch of a mobile app for the third edition of the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care. The app, developed through a partnership between Walimu, TB CARE I and AgileMD, includes clinical decision algorithms that provide step by step guidance for diagnosing and managing TB, along with the full text of the International Standards for TB Care. The app is designed for TB practitioners, providing them with all the essential information for diagnosing and managing TB.

The app is available for free. To download it, go to and enter your email and password. The page will redirect you to download the app, titled “AgileMD”; sign in and wait a few seconds for the app to update.