Distributed mentoring
Ethical games
Usable data abstractions for next-generation scientific workflows
Data science ethnography
Traffigram: A design methodology for distance cartograms
Affect in distributed collaboration
Distributed collaborative teams increasingly rely on online tools for interaction and communication for both social and task-oriented goals. We are expanding recent work linking emotion and affect to collaboration and creativity in order to model how this collaborative communication takes place by examining real-world examples, specifically from the chat logs of an international astrophysics collaboration. We aim to understand how team members express affect and emotion in this medium and the impact that these expressions have on group dynamics, creativity, and problem solving.
Visual analytics for chat and social media
Tools for qualitative analysis of online communication data
Previous projects
Collaborative games for bioinformatics education
We are interested in the uptake of concepts of cyber problem solving specifically among young underrepresented minorities and women, and in better understanding the larger relationships between people, educational games, and infrastructural computational technologies. Collaboration and creative strategies are encouraged and integrated into the gameplay mechanics.
Human-centered biometric security
We study security technology from a human-centered perspective. Our work includes usability evaluation of emerging security technologies, studies of people’s day-to-day password-related practices, and evaluation to determine the key interface design factors affecting user acceptance of biometric security systems.
Collaborative Creativity
Dr. Aragon and her colleagues are developing and evaluating a dynamical systems theory of collaborative creativity based on distributed affect and interfaces that facilitate socio-emotional communication.
Thermostat Usability
Sunfall - Visual Analytics for the Nearby Supernova Factory
Airflow Hazard Visualization
This work highlights the importance of understanding principles of human visual perception and cognitive ability, and applying this knowledge to the design and implementation of appropriate visualizations in an operationally stressful environment.