History TA Website
Career Development
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There is life after graduate school—or so it is rumored. The resources in this section of the History TA Website are aimed at helping TAs and other grad students develop the material they need to professionally present their academic—scholarly and pedagogically—accomplishments.

Guide to CVs—We all need one, not only for the job search but also for any number of funding and conference applications as well as article submissions. Here you'll find a basic checklist for assembling and formatting a professional CV.

Stating a Teaching Philosophy—Could you describe why and how you teach in a few paragraphs? Have you really thought about? Here is a place to start in developing your own, distinct Statement of Teaching Philosophy.

The Teaching Portfolio—More and more job applications ask you to send a teaching portfolio—and it is something you will have to prepare at least once during your time at UW. This page provides several handouts and links that show you how to put together an excellent teaching portfolio.