History TA Website
HSTAA 432 -- History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
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Course and section syllabi for courses in HSTAA 432 -- History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
HSTAA 432: History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest (Course Syllabus)
Source/Contributor: Brian Casserly
Course: HSTAA 432 History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
Date: Summer 2005
Format: PDF

Ten-page course syllabus for a course that looks at both the "process and content" of PNW history. Syllabus includes images. Section headings include "Assignments" (requires passing grade on all assignments and class participation to pass the course), "Readings," "Preparing for Class Discussion" (with a list of questions), "How to Succeed in HSTAA 432 (covers preparation, participation, constructive criticism, and proofreading), "Paper Guidelines" (need for thesis, Chicago-style, plagiarism penalties, requirement that students maintain and electronic copy of their work, 0.5 per day late penalties, and grade appeal process), and "Class Schedule."

History of the Pacific Northwest--HSTAA 432 (Course Syllabus)
Source/Contributor: Jennifer Seltz
Course: HSTAA 432 History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
Date: Summer 2004
Format: PDF

Six-page course syllabus for a course that blends in environmental history with global capital in its narrative of the PNW. Section headings are: "Course Description and Goals," "Readings" (notes a weekly reading load of 300 pages), "Assignments and Grading" (0.2 late penalties), and course schedule.

HSTAA 432 YA: History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest (Course Syllabus)
Source/Contributor: Matthew Klingle
Course: HSTAA 432 History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
Date: Fall 1997
Format: PDF

Four-page course syllabus that also provides a description of how to think historically, gives students who plan to teach social studies (K-12) the option of developing a curriculum unit rather than writing a final paper, and states that the instructor may reward improvement and exception participation by raising the final grade up to 0.3. Section headings are "Course Summary," "Course Expectations," "Course Readings," "Course Assignments." "Grading Standards and Policies" (encourages rough drafts, 0.3 per day late penalties, participation, attendance, and keeping up on 175 pages of reading a week), and "Course Schedule."

HSTAA 432 (Section Syllabus)
Source/Contributor: Robert Self
Course: HSTAA 432 History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
Date: Spring 1996
Format: PDF

One-page section syllabus with a minimalist approach. Section headings: "Discussion Section" (covers discussion, discussion questions, role of the TA), "Grades and Evaluations" (section grade worth 25 percent of course grade), and "Writing Center."

HSTAA 432 (Section Syllabus)
Source/Contributor: Robert Cruickshank, Lead TA
Course: HSTAA 432 History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest (Michael Reese)
Date: Winter 2005
Format: PDF

Two-page section syllabus, sets expectation of conversational but critical discussion, emphasizes attendance, and the TAs role in grading the student. Section headings: "Purpose," "Punctuality and Attendance," "Grading," "Written Work" (covers the need to write a historical paper, the History Writing Center as a resource, and the TA's availability to review rough drafts), "Late Papers" (0.3 per day late penalty), and "How Do I Do Well in this Course?" (discusses engagement, thinking critically, preparation, and time management).

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