Molecular Biophysics Training Program

Individual Development Plan


All MBTG trainees are required to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP), discuss the plan with their PI or other designated mentor, and report these activities to the MBTG.  Those trainees who have created an IDP in a previous year should review and update their IDP for the current academic year. Your MBTG traineeship will not start until confirmation is received that you have created or updated your IDP and discussed it with your advisor.

This IDP requirement addresses NIH guidelines encouraging institutions to document the use of Individual Development Plans for all NIH-funded graduate students and postdocs.

Create or Update Your Plan

The format is up to you.  Your department or program may have its own format.  If not, the following resources may be helpful:

Meet with Your Faculty Mentor

Go over your IDP and goals together . It can be helpful to send your plan to your mentor before your meeting.

Report to MBTG

Please report the creation/review of your IDP and meeting with your mentor by the date listed on your appointment letter.